Showing posts with label Sainsbury’s Supermarket Limited. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sainsbury’s Supermarket Limited. Show all posts

Monday, March 07, 2011

Sainsbury’s Supermarket Limited, Oakham, Rutland County Council, Full Council meeting

Sainsbury Planning application will be considered by the full council at

Rutland County Council Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
Telephone 01572 722577
on Monday 14 March 2011 commencing at 6.00 pm.

FUL/2010/0729 – Sainsbury’s Supermarket Limited, New retail unit
(ClassA1) with associated car parking, petrol filling station, vehicular and
pedestrian access, highway works, landscaping and servicing. Land west
of Lands End Way, OAKHAM, Rutland.

Mr Oxley,
Mr Gale,
Mr Wainwrigh
Mr Montgomery
referred the decision of the Development Control and Licensing Committee on 22 February 2011
to Council for determination.

Creating a safer community
Increasing our cultural, sport and recreational offer
Protecting our rural environment
Maintaining high levels of employment and a thriving local economy
Promoting good health and wellbeing
Creating a brighter future for all
Improving access to services