Saturday, May 08, 2010

31 Cllrs Questions Oakham Town Council

8th May 2010

Cllr’s Questions to be asked and answered at the next meeting please?

1. What is the Chairman’s fund?

2. At the last council meeting, I asked the following:
How much is the Town Clerk Paid?
How much is the Assistant Clerk Paid?
The council refused to answer these questions. I was told you would answer my questions later that week you have not why?

3. At the part of the meeting you illegally excluded the public you asked me to

You ask us to decided if the Assistant clerk could increase hours of work at the flat rate of pay, I asked how much this flat rate of pay was and you refused to tell me why? The meeting was private o why was excluded from recieving this information?

4. Why does Oakham Town Council not accept I am elected member and give me all the information required to make decisions?

5. Will Councillor Charles Haworth Apologise and retract his suggestion I am a bully and that the Assistant Clerk needs protecting from me?

6. After Councillor Charles Haworth suggested, I was bullying the assistant clerk. I made a comment expressing my concern, at how Councillor Charles Haworth was conducting himself, his constant smirking; I referred to him as a nasty man. Cllr Alf Dewis proposed I was removed from the meeting. Why did Councillor Alf Dewis not propose the removal of Councillor Charles Howarth? Silly me I forgot Charles is one of the few supporters Alf has when it comes to the bullying and intimidation I have to endure at Oakham Town Council meetings.

7. Can Councillor Alf Dewis explain why he is interfering with the democratic process? By suggest in his proposal I should be banned from entering the council office, banned from communicating with the Town Clerk and the Assistant Clerk. This proposal was illegal and would have interfered with my ability to serve the people of Oakham.

8. At the last Council meeting it was passed I am banned from communicating with the Town Clerk and need to make an appointment to see the assistant clerk. I refuse to make an appointment as a Councillor I need to see documents and conduct other council business as and when required. This is just further exclusion of an elected Councillor and interference in democracy. What is the Council going to do when I turn up with out an appointment with a member of the public to assist them with any questions they may have?

9. Last week I posted on the Council notice board examples of bulling I have suffered over the past year. I have been subjected to various forms of bully including assault in the street by Mr Baker a friend of our Mayors.

If what I posted on the notice board was considered offensive why did Councillor Joyce Lucas stand in the street directing the public to look at copies of the small photographs I had been sent? She repeatedly called out “Look, Look at what the Councillor has done.

10. On my Flickr photographic site last year, I posted a photograph of a Rutland Times interview given by our then newly elected Mayor.

During this interview the Mayor said people should drink responsibly and not be drunk in public or consume alcohol in the street or parks at anytime.

I posted this a short time after this was published along with another photograph this showed the Mayor and other Councillors hosting an event in the park surrounded by empty wine bottles and beer cans..

Why did the Mayor then report me to the police for bulling her?

(This has was confirmed by Inspector Monks)

All I was doing was exposing the Mayor as a hypocrite not bullying her!

11. I spoke to the Mayor in The Horn Blower public house, I explained to the Mayor the huge problem I have with the bullying conducted by her friends and some former Councillors and some present. She said I deserve all I get.

Can the Mayor explain why?

12. Can Oakham Town Council explain why they have never taken any action to stop some former Councillors like Mr Beech from bullying and intimidating me at council meetings, when I have clearly requested he is stopped?

13. Why did Oakham town Council not eject Mr Beech from a past council

Meeting after he insulted members by handing out free ties. During the
Meeting as a former councillor he would have known this was not acceptable

13. Why did Oakham Town Council not request police presence at Council
At council meetings after I was threatened by former Councillor Mr Kelly for looking at him during a council meeting.

14. At the last council meeting why did Oakham Town Council debate and
Vote on an illegal proposal put to the council by Cllr Alf Dewis?

15. Will Oakham Town Council be taking legal advice from the unqualified in
Law Cllr Alf Dewis at future meetings?

16. What is the Council’s policy regarding bullying, intimidation, harassment,

17. The council told me in a previous answer we don’t have a strategic plan. If we
Don’t have a plan can you please explain the point of the council? Is it just rake in as much of the tax payers money as we can get and spend, spend? is that the only purpose of the council?

18. Why did Oakham Town Council not provide me with a copy of The Town
Clerks allegations of bullying before the last meeting?

19. Why have other members of Oakham Town Council been shown the Town
Clerks allegations.

20. Why has the un cashed signed cheque not been destroyed?

21. Why is Oakham Town Council so careless with security when it comes to

public money? Cheques signed should not be left in the office for weeks
they can be used in fraud.

21. Can Oakham Town Council explain why the internal Audit has been
cancelled? The town Clerk off sick would not be a good enough answer

22. Why is it acceptable for our Mayor to be seen out in the streets of Oakham so
She has to be supported by a member of the public? One example of this was the Charity Curry Dinner organised by The Ladies Conservative Group.

23. Why is acceptable for our Mayor to condemn bad and illegal parking in Oakham.? Only to be found a few days later parking her own 4x4 on the pedestrian pavement facing on coming traffic.

24. When I published the photograph of The Mayors car illegally parked why did
Councillor Charles Haworth find this amusing?
24. Why is it acceptable for the Mayors son to park in the Church Yard and when
Leaving drive his large BMW over the grave stones contributing to their damage? This was witness by myself and members of the churches fabric committee.

25. Will the Mayor contribute towards the thousands of pounds the Town Council is expected to pay to repair the church yard because her church can’t afford

To contribute towards this work that has been caused by people like her son and not forgetting the friend of former Councillor Sue Tyers I have a photograph of that blue car park on a grave!

26. Why does the Mayor and her friends think they are above reproach?

27. Will Cllr Jan Fillingham resign? For condoning bullying, illegal parking and
being drunk in public something she condemns in others.

27. If Cllr Jan Fillingham does not resign is she not just a hypocrite?

28. Is Cllr Joyce Lucas Mad?

29. when I was elected Cllr Joyce Lucas Complained I addressed her as Mrs Lucas. “it’s Joyce”
So could Cllr Joyce Lucas explain why at the beginning of last weeks meeting she angrily stated I am not Joyce to you. I am Cllr Lucas from now on?

30. At the end of the last meeting Cllr Joyce Lucas approached me a kissed my face why?

31. If I approached Cllr Lucas and kissed her would this not be considered an