Friday, June 25, 2010

Oakham Fun Day and Carnival

I was wondering who the other committee members are for the Oakham Fun Day and Carnival.

I was elected to represent the Council on this committee along with the Oakham Festival.

Stangely within hours of this election Joy Everitt and other members of the Oakham Festival were informed.

I am told this was not the case for the Oakham Carnival and Fun Day. Although the Chairman was present as a Cllr at our very good Town Council meeting.

The Clerk said he wrote to the Chairman to formally notify the committee, sadly she has had a accident so she would not have seen the letter.

I find it hard to believe the deputy chair or any other members did not know I was appointed and then make themselves known to me.

I was looking forward to assisting at the event. I will not be attending any event I am not welcome at.

For others the event takes place this Sunday in Cutts Close the Carnival will reflect one hundred years of Oakham.