Sunday, September 26, 2010

National Bandstand Marathon Oakham Town Council and Rutland Concert Band

Oakham Town Council Sponsored the Rutland Concert Band.

The Band played at the newly renovated bandstand in Cutts Close Oakham as part of the National Bandstand Marathon.

Cllr Sharon Spencer and Oakham Town Mayor explained to the brave few, who had braved the weather the reason for the National Bandstand Marathon and its link to the 2012 Games. As the afternoon progressed everyone was pleased to see more people turn up to enjoy the performance given by the Rutland Concert Band.

She then officially opened the newly renovated bandstand.

Then is was the turn of Cllr Lorna Gray
 She introduced the Rutland Concert Band
She organised this event with the help of 
Cllr Charles Haworth who made a request not to 
be photographed. Pity as he was not looking fat like he 
did in my last photograph at the opening of 
Royce Recreation Ground
 No photo if it helps keep the peace.

The Rutland Concert Band Setting Up

Sponsored by
Oakham Town Council

The Bandstand Marathon Banner

The Rutland Concert Band played well and braved the cold
The Rutland Concert Band

The Conductor of the Rutland Concert Band



Clarinet (Nice lady on left owns Music & More Oakham)


Everyone was pleased at the half way point to seek the sanctuary of the church
All Saints Church Oakham provided the venue for refreshments

Delicious scones purchased from local Croft Bakery 
were filled with jam and dollops of fresh cream

Tea was sponsored by 

Costa Oakham

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