Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cllr Joyce Lucas Oakham Town Council

I posted this blog at the weekend, It provoked a stream of nasty comments from Helen Pender or a person pretending to be her.

This morning the post appears to be altered, I am not sure how the photograph and text has been removed and replaced with one of the comments.

So here it is again. A Google error or Blogger security flaw?

This Saturday Cllr Lucas was able to park her car illegaly all day it was ignored by Rutland  County Council Wardens. Once again I ask why does this Cllr think she is beyond the reach of the law.

I do not go out of my way to find her breaking the law, she does it so often, the last time I photographed her and car she had the cheek to go to the police.

Why can she go around spreading false rumours about me?

One law for us and another for them some on  told me yesteray so very true.