Thursday, November 04, 2010

Hawksmead Ltd Planning Application Oakham Town Council

Hawksmead Ltd Planning Application Oakham Town Council

All Oakham Town Councillors accept Cllr Charles Haworth voted to accept the outlined planning application.
requestion a number of conditions from Rutland County Council and the developer.
Cllr Dewis (not Cllr Jewis a name used by Cllr Tor Clark) spoke about the recent public meeting at Langham and concerns raised there.

He turned to speak to ex Councillor Kelly and when he had finished Mr Kelly understandable wanted to reply. This was refused by the chair Cllr Sharon Spencer. A very unfair move by her and Cllr Dewis should have not addressed  Mr  Kelly. Mr Kelly politely protested and Cllr Spencers response was I no. I know my standing orders.

Cllr Charles Haworth was concerned new development around Oakham would turn Oakham into a doughnut ring and he felt Rutland County Council were dumping on us.

Cllr Dodds said if the new buildings were the same as the new homes in Barelythorpe then the development would look attractive.

Cllr Joyce lucas had concerns it appeared no one has considered the infrastructure needed to support so many new homes and the extra traffic and very soon  level crossing gates will be closed for more of the day than they will be open.

Cllr Matthew Taylor supported Cllr Lucas and added the development was very adhoc.

Cllr Tor Clark has concerns for and against, a 1000 new homes would swamp Oakham and Barleythorpe would be no more and he suggested a new new name for the estate Barleythorpe.

Cllr Walters expressed concerns same as other and added affordable homes should be truly affordable.

Cllr Woodcock was in favour of the plans but he said we need to watch very closely.

Cllr Grey had concerns relating to affordable homes.