Thursday, December 02, 2010

Hippo trail prize for Isabelle

Hippo trail prize for Isabelle

I am pleased Isabelle won the prize but surely the organisers family members should not be eligible to enter competitions. 

The gentleman who sell lottery tickets in the town centre newsagent pointed out he would like to win the lottery but because he sells ticket he can not buy a ticket.

The organiser  Project Officer for Arts for Rutland Joy Everitt was very pleased her one of her family won the prize presented by County Councillor Peter Jones.

I will most likely get shot down for posting this blog, others won't say anything publicly but they know I will.

Joy Everitt is not one for Rules and I hope Cllr Peter Jones remembers this when she applies for next years drink licence for the Oakham Festival. If you work behind the bar the law requires you don't drink behind the bar whilst working and I would say if you have received funding from Oakham Tax Payers you don't give out free drinks to your friends and family. Of course these people involved will deny all even though I photographed the event.

I wonder which family members will win future prizes?