Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rutland County Museum Oakham to sell 27 items

Rutland County Councils Cabinet will meet on Tuesday to approve selling or disposal of 27 items that used to be on show at Rutland County Museum.

Conservative Council Peter Jones portfolio holder for the Arts and Culture, would like the public to believe these items are junk. Many of these items were on display before his mini cinema destroyed our museum.

I came across many disappointed visitors, who found they could not visit the museum during half term because it was closed to show films.

It is my belief councillor Jones has no real interest in Arts and Culture, he might be keen to attend a reception for the free nibbles and booze but that is all!

I was very concerned to read in the budget cuts accepted and set by Councillor Peter Jones and his cabinet, no arts group will be awarded any grant from Rutland County Council in brackets accept (Arts for Rutland)
This elite group should be treated equal.Councillor Peter Jones is a committee member and Joy Everett is also a committee member. She also runs The Oakham Festival and meddled in The defunct Oakham Carnival, Oakham Town Council sometime ago adopted the same grant funding policy and give exclusivly to the Festival. They granted public funds without any knowledge of how the tax payers money will be spent.

I was wondering if Rutland County Council do the same and ask Councillor Jones to inform them at a later date how the funds are spent.

He is currently desperately seeking a £25,000 grant from the Arts Council to fund their joint summer event.

Last year he assisted in squandering a £100,000 grant, over half was spent on administration and publicity £37,000 on plastic hippos they can not afford to dispose of.

Whilst on the subject of Councillor Peter Jones, Could the respectable drunken ex mayor Mr Beech take a break from a "Piss Up in the Brewery" (from his facebook) and Visit Councillor Jones in the Chamber with a collection of ties and a comb.

Rutland County Council has a rule similar to the one Oakham town Council got rid off, men must wear ties! Councillor Peter Jones chooses to ignore this rule. If you don't want to put on a repeat performance at Rutland County Councils chamber, get your wife Carol to take them into work and give him a choice, if she is also sober and capable?