Showing posts with label Peter Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Jones. Show all posts

Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Arts Collective Stephen Wigmore and Peter Jones Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland 2nd to 5th June 2021

The Arts Collective Stephen Wigmore and Peter Jones Victoria Hall Oakham Rutland  2nd to 5th June 2021

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Rant from Candidate Peter Jones Conservative Oakham South East Ward

This morning I received the following rant from Conservative Rutland County Councillor Peter Jones in response to a e-mail sent to him on the 1st February 2011.
I would suggest he is rather angry because he is not going to walk back into the council chamber as easily as he thought, six other Candidates are standing against him in Oakham South East Ward.
Ms Goodliffe  I am surprised that after you have been furnished with a full breakdown of  of the dispersal
 of the Arts Council grant that you requested that you have not publicly apologised for the completely unfounded and untrue inference that I some how used money from this grant to fund my Gallery On the contrary you continue to infer that that this is the case ,you are both obviously pursuing some form of vindictive personal vendetta ,your recent comments are both full of inaccuracies and  untrue inferances Ms Goodliffe you list the listed the history of my Gallery ,you neglected to mention the 6 week or so period when it was lent to a local artist in need of a studio,at a cost to me of nearly a £1000,a suprising oversight since I know you are an artist . You also conveniently  forget the Gallery was not short-lived ,it moved to my premises in Mill st where in the last year I have not only provided employment for a young artist but provided valuable gallery exposure for more than a dozen local artists.Finally the Gallery has given significant  cash prizes to local artists through open exhibitions .

Mr Brookes ,your continuing diatribe against me, full of sick unfounded lies indeed products of what I type of mind I cannot even fathom,however there are somewhat harder to comment on because a lot of them make no sense and are basically goobledegook,your last rant for example: what on earth is is £37,ooo of plastic and artists being asked to dispose of it all about. You have been provided  with details of how the grant was spent obviously not on my  Gallery so please issue a full apology or are you going to hide behind the mythical   "Rutland Resident   " who feeds you malicious unfounded gossip ,which you obviously fail to check out --should of course they actually exist ,if they do perhaps you care to identify them .You also try to excuse your lack of  further comment or perhaps an apology to the fact your do not "enjoy being threatened by my friends" this is one of your most disgusting inferences you have made I suggest you either name these so called friends and specify the so called threats made against you or withdraw the comment with a full apology Indeed none of my friends would consider wasting a second of their time in issuing threats against you .Finally whatever "Catmose  College raised the Fund  " is meant to mean is a complete mystery .By the way I apologise for communicating with you since some months ago when I proved you had lied about another issue you again failed to apologise but asked me not to contact you again ,since however you have continued to bombard me with your warped and ill-informed blog/e mails that have been increasingly attacking me I feel fully entitled to respond 
Sent from my iPad
My response:

I can not respond for Ms Goodliffe and she has moved and no longer uses the listed e-mail address. Maybe that is why he has taken to writing to me instead of her?

I do not hide behind any mythical names, that has been my problem, I have never been a coward and as  all can see my blog is titled using my name.

Mr Jones employs Mrs Beech wife of Mr Beech who has in the past behaved in a terrible manner towards me this stopped once I found his facebook entries and published his own admissions he is a drunk, he has refrained from his bad behaviour. I have also seen Mr Beech visiting Mr Jones shop many times and chatting with him so I do not believe it is wrong for me to assume they are friends.
As for the mention of Catmose College, they received a large amount the Arts Council Council grant for services they provided Art for Rutland. I simple stated it appeared to be a good  way for them to raise school funds. 

I do not feel I owe Mr Jones any apology.
I think the ballot box on May the 5th will show him what the majority of the public think of him. Many times he says he speaks for local traders this is not what they are saying to me. The few traders who speak to him in Mill Street is not representative of the whole town.

Mr O'Brien said he was never visited regarding the Sainsbury application and knows many other traders who say the same and feels so strongly that about what Mr Jones new friend said at the last Council meeting he is putting pen to paper and writing to the Rutland Times.

I am still awaiting for an apology another of his friends, Helen Briggs for her email rant full of lies, sent out from the council computer.

I refer ex Tory Councillors Nick Wainwrights, email where he refers to suffering, he was subjected too, he named Chief Exectutive Helen Briggs and Tory Councillors Roger Begy, Terry King and Peter Jones.

Now we can't all be wrong Mr Jones. Can We?

Can I suggest you lay of the bottle and concentrate on your last stand to cling on to power at Rutland County County Council and don't go telephoning Inspector Johnny Monks he is in enough trouble because of your mob.
A lot of people think its disgusting he put together a team of officers to go out looking for you rusty Swan stolen from your shop wall. The rest of us are lucky to get a crime number from Leicestershire Constabulary. It would b wonderful if we all received the exclusive services of Inspector Johnny Monks expert team. 

The email below provoked Mr Jones delayed rant, £37,000 of plastic waste refers to the Rutland Hippos.  The figures speak for themself the money was wasted. I am entitled to my view. I wont  be shut up by Jones and his bullies, the councils own web site says his Live@museum project has lost £16,000 so far. Mr Jones does not like the facts. I can only assume the Arts Council have refused to give him £25,000 for his summer project.

Date: Tuesday, 1 February, 2011, 16:26

Arts Council Grant £100,000 Rutland County Council Arts For Rutland

Rutland County Council was very pleased to receive £100,000 grant from the Arts Council last year.

Cllr Peter Jones said Rutland was unlikely to receive a grant this year.

I wonder why?

We are stuck £37,000 of plastic.

In other parts of the country the Artists have been asked to contribute towards the cost of the disposal of the plastic.

Arts for Rutland has charitable status so does not have to declare how public money is spent.

But they have kindly provided the following information, to show how they spent your money.

I won't make any further comment, because I don't enjoy being threatened by Cllr Peter Jones friends.

I will say I wondered how Catmose College raised fund.

From: foi@rutland.gov.uk
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:46:37 +0000
Subject: FOI 54/11 - Arts Grant

Dear Mr. Brookes,

The grant was made to Arts for Rutland from Arts Council England, 

specifically for the delivery of the arts engagement project, not to be distributed to local artists.  

Arts for Rutland is an independent charity and is not legally required to respond to freedom of information requests. 

However, in the spirit of transparency, they have provided the following information for us to relay to you

Artistic expenditure

Hippo Project

                                                                                                                                                               & nbsp;                                           
Marketing and audience development

 Website, brochure, launch and marketing events
Catmose College audience development

Catmose College Marketing hours

                                                                                                                                                                & nbsp;                                                                                    

Theatre bus trips
                                                                                                                                                               & nbsp;                                                                                     

                                                                                                                                                               & nbsp;                                                                                       
Total ACE grant expenditure
£   108,611.04

Balance of £8,611.04 met through income from Arts for Rutland events.

As far as tickets for events at Live@Museum are concerned, all councillors who attend purchase tickets for themselves and anyone accompanying them.

If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by writing to:-

Monitoring Officer, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
Telephone: 01572 722577  e-mail: foi@rutland.gov.uk
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:-
The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45 Website: www.ico.gov.uk
There is no charge for making an appeal.

Freedom of Information
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HP
t: 01572 722577 | f: 01572 758457 | e: foi@rutland.gov.uk
Read More: http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2011/02/arts-council-grant-100000-rutland.html

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rutland County Museum Oakham to sell 27 items

Rutland County Councils Cabinet will meet on Tuesday to approve selling or disposal of 27 items that used to be on show at Rutland County Museum.

Conservative Council Peter Jones portfolio holder for the Arts and Culture, would like the public to believe these items are junk. Many of these items were on display before his mini cinema destroyed our museum.

I came across many disappointed visitors, who found they could not visit the museum during half term because it was closed to show films.

It is my belief councillor Jones has no real interest in Arts and Culture, he might be keen to attend a reception for the free nibbles and booze but that is all!

I was very concerned to read in the budget cuts accepted and set by Councillor Peter Jones and his cabinet, no arts group will be awarded any grant from Rutland County Council in brackets accept (Arts for Rutland)
This elite group should be treated equal.Councillor Peter Jones is a committee member and Joy Everett is also a committee member. She also runs The Oakham Festival and meddled in The defunct Oakham Carnival, Oakham Town Council sometime ago adopted the same grant funding policy and give exclusivly to the Festival. They granted public funds without any knowledge of how the tax payers money will be spent.

I was wondering if Rutland County Council do the same and ask Councillor Jones to inform them at a later date how the funds are spent.

He is currently desperately seeking a £25,000 grant from the Arts Council to fund their joint summer event.

Last year he assisted in squandering a £100,000 grant, over half was spent on administration and publicity £37,000 on plastic hippos they can not afford to dispose of.

Whilst on the subject of Councillor Peter Jones, Could the respectable drunken ex mayor Mr Beech take a break from a "Piss Up in the Brewery" (from his facebook) and Visit Councillor Jones in the Chamber with a collection of ties and a comb.

Rutland County Council has a rule similar to the one Oakham town Council got rid off, men must wear ties! Councillor Peter Jones chooses to ignore this rule. If you don't want to put on a repeat performance at Rutland County Councils chamber, get your wife Carol to take them into work and give him a choice, if she is also sober and capable?