Monday, March 14, 2011

Sainsbury Oakham Rutland County Council Planning Meeting

Full Council meets tonight to discuss the Sainsbury's Planning application.

The meeting takes place in the Council Chamber at Rutland County Council on Monday 14 March from 6.00pm.

Seating is limited and places for members of the public will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Last month (February), the application for a new Sainsbury’s store on the Oakham Bypass was rejected by the Development Control and Licensing Committee (DC&L).

However, the responsibility for making the final decision has now been passed to Full Council after four Councillors asked for the original decision to be reconsidered.

Sainsbury’s have submitted plans for a new foodstore (including cafeteria) at the junction of Lands End Way and the Oakham Bypass. The application also includes details of a car park (240 spaces), landscaping and petrol filling station.