Friday, April 15, 2011

Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Comments (4)

Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey 

Comments (4)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Introduction (1)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey The Survey (2)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey The Results (3)

You are Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Comments (4)

Click Here Oakham Town Council Oakham Business Survey Recommendations (5)


The survey was prompted because of the perception that the closure of RAF Cottesmore would have a considerable effect on the trading position of businesses in Oakham. The result of the survey indicates this to be the case as 76% of traders felt they would be directly affected, although 44% felt that they would be able to accommodate the fall in trade without any reduction in staff or working hours. Conversely only 15% felt they would need to reduce staff levels or decrease business hours.

On 28th October 2010, Cllr Dewis attended the Rutland County Council Community Services Scrutiny Panel to put forward the Town Council's views on the proposed increase in parking charges. At that meeting he advised that meeting he advised that Oakham Town Council would welcome details regarding the leasing of the car parks to Oakham Town Council so that discussions could be undertaken.
Unfortunately those details have yet to be recieved.

Members will note the increasing number of vacant shops and premises in Oakham that have attracted fly posting and broken windows being boarded up. A check on 21st March 2011 showed 17 premises in the centre of the town were vacant or about to become vacant. A situation that unfortunately gives the impression to both residents and visitors of a town centre in decline and provides a direct contradiction of Rutland County Council's Strategic Aim No.4

'Maintaining High Levels  of Employment and a Thriving Local Economy'

A survey undertaken for the Oakham Town Partnership by the Rutland Market Towns Manager early in 2010 captured similar views of from Oakham Traders.

  • 70% of those responding thought that parking charges had a negative effect.
  • 66% planned to close and relocate to new premises outside Oakham.
  • 60% said their trading performance had declined over the past year, and
  • None expected their trading performance to improve in the next twelve months.
Traders felt that the two closures could be offset by a more robust scheme to attract visitors and tourists to the town and that both Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council could do more in that respect. It has already been acknowledged that Oakham Town Council will undertake a reveiw of its approach to tourism to ensure it is proactive and will incorporate a review of signage, a programme of high profile events (six band concerts have already been arranged for 2011 http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2011/04/royal-british-legion-great-poppy-party.html 
) and improved tourist leaflets. Concern was expressed at the closure of the Museum and Castle on Sundays, one of the main tourist days and particularly as the Tourist Information Centre is located in the Museum.

This initiative will need to be undertaken in association with Rutland County Council, the Local Strategic Partnership and the Oakham Town Partnership to involve all concerned and to attempt to eliminate duplication.