Monday, October 10, 2011

Mob Vendetta Continues in Rutland

Mob Vendetta Continues in Rutland

Yet again I've had a very sad anonymous missive-

"Cllr Martin Brookes 
well brooksby it looks like you are a complete twat, I hear you have cost the taxpayer thousands and
thousands because of your attentions seeking sense of self importance.....you really are a prat, at least
one the crazy gang got that bit right even though they are probably wishing they did what all the rest do
and just ignore you, still you waste more police time as you strut down the local police station to waste
their time also, it is said that the police station has been sold, extreme measures but even the police are
trying to avoid you because they think you are a prat also but as monks said you are one with a mental
health issue, still the new boss is a no nonsense super cop, he has a new broom approach, actually he 
thinks he is better than he is and talks the same old just packaged slightly different so he won't put up 
with your wasting his time for sure.
I see you have children in need splashed all over your blog now, I thought you stayed away from children
because you cannot be trusted, if not stealing their sweets you would be stealing their virtue. Great shame
that you and the book worm fell out, I understand that he found out very quickly how dangerous you
really are, time waster, scrounger, bully brooksby you really are a sad little man, we are all looking forward
to the day when you pack up and leave after all your village needs it idiot back.

Well best go, some of us have either work or constructive positive things to get on with not lay in bed all
day dreaming about children in need, sicko

good luck though with all the tribunals and allegations if you need a  lift anywhere you can always rely on
me, if it is a one way fare, one last thing, I  hear all of your proposals now fall as a the rule of thumb is
ignore block disregard the head case."

I question the type  of person who sends these letters to me, the police now say it looks like someone close possibly  a Councillor but they are lacking the proof.  I read this letter and it suggest to me they are also possibly close to the police.

It would appear, and the police are beginning to concur, that this emanates from either a local councillor or one of their close associates something I have been saying for over two years now.

This mob -like vendetta just shows the low level to which local governance has sunk.

Why is it when one questions Oakham Town Council or Rutland County Council one is subjected to
poisonous vitriol which would seem to put any military junta of a despotic disposition to shame?

One should surely be allowed to question the ruling oligarchy without this sort of disgraceful anonymous 

When did democracy and transparency become a capital  offence in Rutland?

Perhaps we need a Rutland Spring?