Monday, February 13, 2012

The Anti corruption Group at Rutland Council disappointing start.

The Anti corruption Group at Rutland Council disappointing start.

I attended the full council meeting of Rutland County Council this evening, with a keen interest to find out
more about the newly formed political group.

I was disappointed to find three of the councillor had failed to turn up.

Cllr Nick Wainwright the lapsed Tory and Independents Richard Gale and David Richardson.

Mr Brian Montgomery was present.

I was able to speak to him before the meeting. I said I think I preferred the previous groups name 4Rutland.
He responded with "things had become boring and this had livened things up"

I am not sure how that should be interpreted, do we have a group of councillors re-elected this year who are bored?

Readers will know I am not a big fan of Roger Begy and his Tory entourage, but I do feel he would be surprised by Cllr Montgomery's comment. 

I would like to think all county councillors attempted to take their role seriously, after all they are members of a District Council and not some silly pointless parish council like our town council.

Because this new political group was formed a item had to be added to the agenda relating to seats on committees and outside organisation.

A report and recommendations were considered, I was intrigued was the legal officer ordered not to mention the groups name or the word corruption.

The Council deferred appointments until the next meeting.