Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Harassment from Leicestershire Special Constable Adam Lowe, Oakham Town Councillor, Travis Perkins

Harassment from Leicestershire Special Constable Adam Lowe, who is also my Oakham town Councillor.

Yesterday I found evidence that many of my unsolicited on-line subscriptions had originated from a computer
owned by Travis Perkins.

So I popped to Travis Perkins here in Oakham where Adam Lowe is the manager.

I asked him for a chat about what I found. He said we better talk in  the yard just in case his office is bugged.

When I explained my findings outside in the cold to Adam Lowe he said I paranoid.

Next stop was Oakham police station. Sgt Morris said even if Adam was responsible blitzing me with on-line subscriptions it was not harassment and no action would be taken against him.

Leicestershire Constabulary protecting its own once again. Although he did suggest I write to Travis Perkins not knowing I had already done this, he suggested I might receive a better response from them.

I received a response from Adam Lowe this morning it seems I am not paranoid after all!

Adam Lowes email:

From: Adam.Lowe@travisperkins.co.uk
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com
Subject: Question on Customer Comments
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 07:21:53 +0000

TP colleague Adam Lowe has the following question(s) about Customer Comments :-
Dear Mr Brooke I apologise if any action I have done has caused you to recieve unsolicited mail. I am under the impression that you recieved junk mail that is unoffensive, your words. This was clearly a misjudgment to think you would appreciate general information in your role as a journalist. I can assure you that Travis Perkins are dealing with your query and will respond accourdingly. Regards. Adam

I am sure they will deal with my query, Do they pay their managers to conduct harassment via there computer system?

I do not accept Adam Lowe was approached by chance by another Oakham resident before he was due to be interviewed for homophobic hate crimes against me.

Adam Lowe I am sure is not only one responsible for all the forms of bullying, harassment and hate crimes I have been subjected to for over two years now.

Adam Lowes conduct is not something anyone should expect from a Special Constable who has just received an award from the Queen for conduct he should be stripped of that award.

He should also resign as my Councillor.

He should also seek the medical help he clearly needs.

And Leicester Constabulary need to deal with my complaints and stop covering for him all the time.