Showing posts with label Leicester City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leicester City. Show all posts

Monday, August 09, 2021

Brendan Rodgers manager of Premier League club Leicester City says 'he works in local shop here in Oakham Rutland and that is why I am so popular'

Brendan Rodgers manager of Premier League club Leicester City says 'he works in local shop here in Oakham Rutland and that is why I am so popular'

Brendan Roger waiting for a Hoagies Sandwich

Today I met Brendan Rodgers the Northern Irish professional football manager and former player who is the manager of Premier League club Leicester City. A lot of people were asking him for selfies and he was agreeing to have his photograph taken. I was not sure who he was, so I asked him and he cheekily replied that he worked in a local shop and was very popular. It suggest he was fibbing, although there may have been a little truth with him saying he worked in a shop and that is why he was popular, he once worked for John Lewis in their main warehouse in Bracknell.  I asked a man who hand taken a selfie of Brendon whilst he waited with others for a sandwich from Hoagies of Oakham.

This reminded me of the time I was asked for a selfie in Tesco, I was working one Easter weekend, a man and his wife asked. The man had remembered me from my primary school days. I did not remember him.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Royce Rangers Football Club host a Football Fun Day & Car Boot Sale

Royce Rangers Football Club host a Football Fun Day for junior players on Saturday.

Leicester City legend Steve Walsh will make a special guest appearance

at Oakham Showground, off Lands’ End Way from midday until 3pm.

Lots of fun activities with stalls including a bouncy slide, and football skills sessions for children under 11.

Hot and cold refreshments will be available.

New members are always welcome to join the club.

For further information call club secretary Stacey Underwood on 07936 714001.

Car boot sale from 11am. To reserve a pitch, call Edwina Jarvis on 01572 770137 or 07900 407938.