Showing posts with label Leicester Mercury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leicester Mercury. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

In Regards to Leicestershire Police, The Globe, Leicester Mercury, The Daily Bale

In Regards to Leicestershire Police

I read an article in the Leicester Mercury about the goings on at the Globe Pub in Leicester and the Daily Bale?


There is something I like about the Mercury photograph although if I had to pass that
security line up, I might just pass by it does not look that friendly and welcoming.

Reading the Daily Bale Blog


I learned Leicestershire Police is controlled by communists? I always thought it was the Tories
who run the force are they the same thing?

Friday, August 02, 2013

Rutland UKIP trio could face legal move, Leicester Mercury

UKIP trio could face legal move

Profile image for Leicester Mercury

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Three UKIP county councillors are facing potential legal action for alleged defamation.
On Monday, a special meeting of Rutland County Council voted in favour of supporting ####### and other officers should they wish to take court action.
Councillors Richard Gale, David Richardson and Nick Wainwright are being accused of suggesting council officers are involved in fraud and corruption, suspect planning approvals, misusing public money and the squandering of millions of pounds of grant funding.
Council leader Roger Begy said: "This is a particularly difficult decision and one that members have taken after careful consideration.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eye Spy, MI5 is mooted as possible source, Leicester Mercury

Camera on A606 Oakham Rutland

Today the Leicester Mercury Reports A Leicestershire Villages residents
are spooked by road cameras.

Rutland saw the installation of these mystery cameras earlier this
year, the one I photographed can be seen as you drive into Oakham from Stamford.

I have not heard any comments from anyone locally about those that surround Oakham.

The  Leicester Mercury has attempted to trace the owners of the cameras in the
village they visited, with no luck.

It appears some residents believe they belong to MI5  ?

Suggestions for Rutlands M16... CIA. FBI. MFI or Maplin Electonics. ?

The outer case is embossed with  CP traffic .

Friday, October 19, 2012

Police & Crime Commissioner Husting, Holiday Inn, 129 Saint Nicholas Circle, Leicester, Rutland County Museum, Catmose Street, Oakham

Police & Crime Commissioner Husting event has been arranged for the public to attend to question the three candidates standing for election (not sure why this has dropped to three?)

Members of the public are invited to attend either of the following events and put questions to candidates prior to deciding who to vote for in the November 15th elections. 

Both events will commence at 7pm and close at 9pm. 

Refreshments will be provided upon arrival.

To assist catering and orderly management on the night, persons proposing to attend are invited to book, in advance, a place at their chosen event.

To book by email e-mail contact secretary@rutlandconsortium.org.uk
To book by telephone, contact 01572 823465.

Full details are as follows:-

Leicester and Leicestershire Hustings Monday October 22nd 2012 - 7pm to 9pm

Holiday Inn, 129 Saint Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 5LX

Tel: 0871 942 9048

Chair - Richard Bettsworth, Editor of the Leicester Mercury
Rutland HustingsTuesday October 23rd 2012 7pm to 9pm

Rutland County Museum, Catmose Street, Oakham LE15 6HW

Tel: 01572 758440

Chair – Eileen Green, Editor of the Stamford and Rutland Mercury (oh dear! is that the best they could come up with the political puppet of Tory Rutland County Council?)
 While questions for candidates will be accepted from the floor of both meetings, attendees are encouraged to submit written questions in advance to 

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Leicester Mercury, Unsold, Recycled, Photograph

Leicester Mercury, Unsold, Recycled, Photograph

Friday, December 16, 2011

Leicester Mercury Flies Flag For A Merry Christmas Photograph

Leicester Mercury Flies Flag For A Merry Christmas

I waited and waited for the wind to unfurl the flag this is the beat it could do

Monday, October 31, 2011

Leicester Mercury Reporter Stoops For Scoop at City Hall

Leicester Mercury Reporter Stoops For Scoop at City Hall

Monday, September 12, 2011

Liberal England: Leicester Labour disciplinary round up

Liberal England: Leicester Labour disciplinary round up

Leicester Labour disciplinary round up

Where to start?

We have seen the former Labour leader on the city council, Ross Willmott criticising Leicester's elected mayor Sir Peter Soulsby. The other day the Leicester Mercury reported that he could now face disciplinary action.

Read more: http://liberalengland.blogspot.com/2011/09/leicester-labour-disciplinary-round-up.html

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Liberal England: Yes, it's Meerkat Harborough

Liberal England: Yes, it's Meerkat Harborough

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yes, it's Meerkat Harborough

From the Leicester Mercury:

An advertising agency acting for the Compare The Market insurance website wants to turn Market Harborough into Meerkat Harborough for a day as part of its latest campaign.

Read more at: liberalengland.blogspot.com yes-its-meerkat-harborough
posted by Jonathan : 10:40 AM 
Comments: I've always thought Harborough people were a bit 'simples'

Dont come to compare the meerkat.com

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A Frosty Leicester Mercury Photograph

A Frosty Leicester Mercury Photograph

Hungry Fox outside Leicester Mercury Office

Hungry Fox outside Leicester Mercury Office

Monday, November 08, 2010

Accident Swain Street Leicester Photography

Accident Swain Street, Leicester

Leicester Mercury Photographer

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Leicester Mercury Photographs

In 2009 Leicester Mercury
reported beggars are warned to get
of streets

This newsagent Two Way News is now closed
the news board at the time
read Scam Pair Told Pay Back
£1.5 million