Showing posts with label Oakham North West Ward Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham North West Ward Election. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Paul Beech, Rutland County Council, Oakham North West Ward Election

I posted this earlier today http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2011/04/rutland-county-council-greetham-ward.html

To my surprise Paul Beech e-mailed me.

Please note his continued refusal to refrain from calling me Brookesy.

No where in that post do I say he is responsible for the posters.

My personal experience of Mr Beech is he is a nasty little bully and in the past had the local police under his thumb, if I mentioned his name he would shout harassment and his buddies at Oakham police station would wave sheet of paper at me.

Mr Beech remember your threats towwards me started some time ago at the beating of the retreat and that was well documented.

You then approached Richard White at Oakham Town Council and asked what the council was going to do to get rid of me just before my first meeting.

Then there was your performance at a meeting that resulted in you donating a large bag of ties. You tell everyone it was a joke, the only joke is you. You actions have always been that of a bully, the army taught you well, your constant misuse of my name is another example of this.

Its a pity the only place you ignore me is when you are at work at the fish counter at, Tesco could you not extend that to out of work also.

As we all know Mr Beech along with his wife was a Tory supporter at the 2007 elections, they both proposed Conservative Councillor Peter Jones back then.

He claims to be Independent now. It has been said once a Tory always a Tory.

 Mr Beech's email:

16:39 Your Blog

> From: pb191@leicester.ac.uk
> To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com
> Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 17:36:58 +0100
> Subject: Your blog today
> Personal and private
> Of you make comments that insinuate that it is me, Brookesy, posting those leaflets you'd better have some sound evidence that it is me. It isn't me and I wouldn't waste to ink let alone the petrol.
> Beechy
> 'Kirkee House'
> 35, Welland Way,
> Oakham
> Rutland
> LE15 6SL
> Tel: 01572 757401
> Mob: 07770 478656
> email: paulbeech@kirkeehouse.demon.co.uk
> University email: pb191@le.ac.uk
> www.kirkeehouse.co.uk