Showing posts with label Remembrance Sunday Oakham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remembrance Sunday Oakham. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Photographers at Oakham Rememberance Sunday

Oliver from Rutland Times chats to RAF photographer

Laying wreaths Photographs Oakham War Memorial All Saints Church Oakham Remembrance Sunday

Getting ready at the front of All Saints Church

Inspector J Monks Leicestershire Police, Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer Oakham Town Council,
Mr E Baines Chairman of Rutland County Council, High Sheriff of Rutland, RAF?? Lord Lieutenant of Rutland waiting to place wreaths.

According to Twitter our MP Alan Duncan attended Melton Mowbrays Service this morning.

Rutland Cadets

Lord Lieutenant of Rutland 

 Mr Baines Chairman of Rutland County Council

Lord Lieutenant of Rutland 

 Fire Service

Oakham Scouts

Oakham & Rutland Air Training Corps
Oakham & Rutland Army Cadets

Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD, Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for Rutland Remembrance Sunday

Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD,  Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for Rutland Remembrance Sunday

Lord Lieutenant for Rutland and his wife greeted by Mr Savage MBE arriving at All Saints Church Oakham

Dr Laurence Howard JP PhD,  Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for Rutland Remembrance Sunday awaiting the salute at Crown Walk, High Street Oakham.

Army Navy RAF Parade in Oakham Town Photographs Remembrance Day

RAF Band

Oliver from Rutland Times gets the best photographs


Army Navy RAF Parade in Oakham Town Photographs Remembrance Day

Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer Oakham Town Council Remembrance Day photographs

Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer Oakham Town Council Remembrance Day photographs

If Mrs Spencer support the old style Tory Thugs
I will be most disappointed in her.

If it not Mr Harrison and his blog 
its Mr Paul Beech at a previous public event threatening me,
now it the turn of Mr Tyers the husband of 
ex Councillor Sue Tyers. Throwing his weight around and
using foul language on a Sunday, I guess they taught him
to bully in and behave like that in the army.

I truly hope the only fault with our current Mayor is 
'she cant string a sentence together at any event she 
attends' I cant spell so I can understand that and 
don't enjoy public speaking,

But she could most certainly chose better friends.

This year our Mayor has done her best, she is a ordinary mum
and not a snob like some of our previous Mayors
and not a drunk and before anyone attacks me again 
for mentioning that I visited a former RCC Cllr
Friday evening and they told me the former Mayor is always drunk.

So is not about time Mr Tyers you left me alone.
Everybody I meet in her road tells me the same fact.
You would be better getting her help rather putting all
your efforts into attacking me as you can see
it only make matters worse. 

And you can stop your friends sending me filth and placing 
filthy comment here
Old style Tory trash is not welcome here
how does Alan Duncan put up with you
oh I forgot it money! you have to pay to join your grotty club.

And finally you are so lucky I am not a violent person
but don't you dare threaten me again just in case 
I do snap!!!!

Leicestershire police and Fire Service at Oakham Remembrance Day Photographs

Leicestershire Police Church Street 
Remembrance Sunday

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service Oakham


Leicestershire Police

Outside Rutland County Council Offices

Inspector J Monks Oakham Police

PC Lloyd with local musicians Oakham Remembrance Day

PC Lloyd with local musicians Oakham Remembrance Day

PC Lloyd is one of the good guys,  I am hoping he will kick ex Councillors husband Mr Tyers up the backside for his behaviour today.

No one is going to get away with threatening to punch my lights out for taking a photograph.

I wonder how much longer I have to put up with his vile behaviour and threats.

(one young person is obscured as he is minor and adult was available to give consent for publication.
and I don't want Mr Tyers saying I a paedophile like he did at RCC offices during a count. He and his old tory scum need to be taken down a peg or two, at least he will having something to talk about at the next dinner he attends.)

Oakham Remembrance Day I cant see, I dont want to be seen, photograph

Oakham Remembrance Day I cant see I don't want to be seen photograph

I was attempting to photograph the RAF Police chatting to local police
and rather strangely here is the result.
one young person who can just about see over the wall
a local hoody who did not want to be seen

Despite the Ex Councillors Tyers husbands behaviour
I still managed to get some good photographs

Mr Tyers the old Tory thug behaves Badly at Oakham Remembrance Day Service

Dear All,

Today is a very important and solemn day,

It was spoilt by two events first, dog walker not cleaning up after the dog messed in church passage, I found a good use for Arts 4 Rutland brochures and hot water from the church. It made me feel sick all I can say is I am pleased I had not eaten.

Second event made me very angry whilst attempting to photograph my councillor Mr Plews with a group of people, I was pushed by Mr Tyers and told to Fuck Off more than once, he demanded I did not take photographs of them going to church. It was clear Mr Tyers was not going to go away so I call for the assistance of a police officer. After several demands made by me, the Police officer collected a business card from Mr Tyers. The hypocrite then went and took a seat in church. Mr Tyers is the husband of Ex Councillor Sue Tyers

Quite frankly I am sick of this bullying and intimidation by these bullish thugs.

Also I am disappointed with the police who seem to support them. I have been told I can visit PC Lloyd at Oakham Police Station on Monday afternoon. Some how I don't see think the police would have dealt with the matter in this way if  I had walked up to Mr Tyers of  behaved in the same manner despicable manner.  I also find it shocking these people know the police will do nothing accept protect them. He is so confident of that he is happy to behave this way in front of police. I can only assume he was trying to cause a breach of the peace and make it look like I was at fault even though he approached me.

Mr Tyers and his mob want to be treated like dignitaries then behave like one. I am not sure any of his party deserve that status, Like myself all were ex Councillors and one drunken ex mayor.

I wonder why they bother attending the service, The reason I attend and leave my own poppy is for the loss of a friend who is ex Army and certainly was not a bully like those around here. Who went on to film war for an american TV station and was killed. He left a wife and children very sad.


Martin Brookes

Remembrance Sunday All Saints Church Oakham

The Service Starts at 2.30 pm in All Saints Church Oakham.

I feel very safe sitting in our parish church today, watching the security services search the church from top to bottom.

After the service local dignitaries lay wreaths outside at the war memorial, I believe this followed by a parade  through the town.

Remembrance Sunday Oakham Parade

Remembrance Sunday will take place on Sunday 14th November 2.30 pm at All Saint's Church Oakham.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Remembrance Sunday Oakham

Remembrance Sunday will take place on Sunday 14th November 2.30 pm at All Saint's Church Oakham.

The parade will assemble at 2.00 pm in Market Street and will end at Rutland County Council.
The Salute will be taken by the Lord Lieutenant outside Crown Walk on the High Street.

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