Showing posts with label melton times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label melton times. Show all posts

Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Rutland Times Photograph of The Week Cllr Joyce Lucas?

Did the Rutland Times not receive any other photographs this week?

I looked in this weeks Rutland Times in disbelief, Photograph of the week By Joyce Lucas.

Poppy Wreaths laying flat wet on steps of memorial covered in snow.

Come on Joyce you bought the same camera as me you can do better! 

And as for the Rutland Times stop giving so much space in your paper to her. I am not the only one moaning about this surely your sales figures show this.

I don't like ex Cllr Jim Harrison but surely he has taken somethng better for next week or any of the many other Rutland Photographers who take very good photographs.

Jim can be contacted through the Melton Times.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jim Harrison Melton Times Photogapher & former Mayor and Oakham Town Cllr Asks for proof

Photo linked from Melton Times

Melton Times Photographer Jim Harrison asks in his recent blog entry for me to provide proof?

I attempted to publish a comment on Mr Harrison blog.

Mr Harrison will only approve comments if you support and attack me.

I will not publish my proof.

I will publish his recent entry the content of his blog is evidence enough.

I understand Mr Harrison started out as a Liberal and left to become a Tory Bully

As you read his blog entry please remember Mr Harrison 

Is a respected Member of The Rutland and Melton Association

Former Mayor and Oakham Town Councillor.

It is also important I point out, last year I traced photoshop images
of me from the Rutland Chat forum to Mr Harrisons
Photobucket account when I report the then Cllr Harrison to Standards
he apologised and I withdrew my complaint, I should have let the
complaint progress. Mr Harrison also used his Twitter account to attack me
he called a friends private phone to speak to me when the friend enquired
who are you I heard Mr Harrison shout Fuck off.
Rutland County Council Standards have never dealt with
standards complaint I made against Cllr Harrison as he was a Cllr then

As for his twitter account he said it was hacked. Very strange someone
he does not know hacked his twitter account to attack me?
His twitter account is now locked private and after it was explained
to him if he tweeted others direct and their account was not
locked I could see the content, the tweets stopped.

Mr Harrisons Blog entry

I suggest too the police the photo shop experts like Dewis and Harrison are responsible for the disgusting images sent to me via email and the post" Copied from Brookes' Blog. I'm increasingly fed up of seeing my name used every time you go off on one of your bullying, ranting diatribes Brookes. I can't speak for anyone else but where I am concerned, I have never written to you in my life nor am ever likely to. You are an evil, nasty little man trying to make a name for yourself and sadly you have succeeded, the wrong sort of name, but nonetheless, you have succeeded.

NOW, regarding all these accusations you keep on making about me, it is time to either put up or shut up. Let's see all of the evidence you supposedly have. This is going to be very difficult as there is none.

Now be quiet and go away, live your mindless little life and leave other people alone to get on with theirs. DO NOT START A WAR WHERE THERE ARE NO WINNERS OR LOSERS AS YOU MAY END UP A SAD AND LONELY INDIVIDUAL