Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rutland County Council, Council Tax Decision 2012 -13

Councillors at Rutland County Council have voted to accept a council tax freeze for 2012/13.

The Full Council met to discuss the council budget for the next 12 months. this was accepted.

Members also agreed to increase the minimum level of council reserves to £2 million during the lifetime of the current Medium Term Financial Plan.

Speaking during the meeting, Leader of Rutland County Council, Roger Begy commented:

"These are hard times for many people and it's important they receive our support as the country sees itself through these very tough financial times and MP Eric Pickles is the only person who makes me feel slim"

Conservative Councillor Barrie Roper and Chairman of The Police Authority explained Localism and Eric Pickles idea of that saying Rutland County Council is Localism and "Eric Pickles  idea was to beat people up"

Conservative Councillor and Chairman of the Council declared there was no such thing as public money.

The meeting was preceded with Prayer.

There were four people in the public seats Myself, a woman and  nora_hs
not her real name or image from Oakham People You can read her article
here  http://www.oakhampeople.co.uk/Council-Tax-Freeze-2012-13-Budget-Agreed-Tonight/story-15334087-detail/story.html 
and Chris the Communications Officer for the Council.

Three Councillors sent their apologies.

Mr Oxley Liberal Democrat declared an interest saying his mother was cared for by Rutland County Council
during this declaration Conservative Barrie Roper started laughing, He then stood to say he was not laughing at Mr Oxley and it was something to do with the elderly, All very inappropriate behaviour.Especially as i was told he was to be the Conservative candidate for the new police commissioner, when his role as Chairman of the Police Authority ends.

Leader of the Council Conservative Roger Begy gave a long but interesting budget speech, he has modernised and promised to e-mail me a copy to publish. Last year he put it in the bin!

Various Conservative Councillors spoke and offered their sympathy to Conservative Cllr Gene Plews and Independent Councillor Alan Walters who were both calling for a 2.5% tax increase.

The two members of the Anti Corruption Group Cllrs Gale and Montgomery Independents seemed to feel a little odd by agreeing with the Conservative Leader and calling for no increase.

Mr Gale did raise concerns for the elderly as he felt the biggest cuts were in services provided for them and cuts not savings were not a good thing for the vulnerable in a community.

Mr Gale was attacked by Conservative Christine Emmett she wanted evidence from Mr Gale to support some of his claims,

She appeared not to be happy with his response and the chairman put a stop to the developing fight.

Chairman of the Council, Mr Baines ended the meeting stating something to do with the devil, the other directly from the lips of the Secretary of State and along the lines of "Any Council that does not take advantage of accepting the grant to freeze Council Tax would be committing an immoral act".