Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Rutland County Council Offices will stay open until 7.00pm on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July, for postal vote returns. If pre-arranged voters can call and then collect a new postal voting pack or have it hand delivered to their home.

Rutland County Council Offices will stay open until 7.00pm on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July, for postal vote returns.

Any Rutland and Stamford constituent whose postal vote has been lost, damaged or still to arrive should request a replacement from Rutland County Council by emailing: elections@rutland.gov.uk confirming:  

  • The voter’s registered address
  • Phone number  
  • The name of voters in the household who need a replacement ballot

Anyone who is unable to email the Council should call: 01572 758 469 to provide this information. 

Please reserve this phone line for those without internet access and do not call if you are able to email.

Postal voters who need a replacement postal ballot must contact Rutland County Council first, so that officers can prepare the ballot and confirm when it is ready. This can then be collected from the Council’s Catmose offices in Oakham (LE15 6HP). If you are unable to collect from the Council offices, please let officers know and they will arrange to hand deliver the ballot pack to you.

Anyone who is too late to return their postal vote through the mail can deliver it by hand to the Council’s offices, which will remain open until the later time of 7.00pm on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July for postal vote collections and returns.

Postal voters can return their own ballots together with those of up to five other electors but must hand them to an authorised member of staff, who will help to complete a return form. 

Following a change in the law, postal votes that are not accompanied by a separate return form because they have been posted through the Council’s letter box or left unattended must be rejected.  

Postal ballots can also be returned to a polling station in the Rutland and Stamford constituency area between 7.00am and 10.00pm on polling day (Thursday 4th July). 

Please contact Rutland County Council by emailing: elections@rutland.gov.uk or calling: 01572 722 577 if you have any questions about your postal vote.  

Election For Europe 2009 East Midlands Ballot Paper
I am not sure why there are no laws preventing postal 
voters from photographing and sharing their ballot paper on-line.
It is unlawful to photograph a ballot paper in a Polling Station.

A Celebration of Colour: "Life In Colour" at Stamford Arts Centre

A Celebration of Colour: "Life In Colour" at Stamford Arts Centre

Stamford Arts Centre explodes with vibrancy in its latest exhibition, "Life In Colour." This must-see show, running until July 6th, brings together four talented artists whose unique styles all share a love for the colourful world around us.

Emily Howard's delightful paintings will put a smile on your face. Inspired by both British wildlife and creatures encountered on her travels, Howard's works are a celebration of the animal kingdom rendered in a burst of colour and character. Prepare to be charmed by playful otters, majestic stags, and exotic birds brought to life on canvas.

Rachel Larder takes us on a journey through dreamlike landscapes. Her contemporary paintings transform the familiar countryside into fantastical vistas, using abstraction and vibrant hues to create a sense of wonder. Let Larder's art transport you to a world where rolling hills meet swirling skies and the boundaries between reality and imagination blur.

Rose Thorn, a Stamford-based fine artist, offers a multifaceted exploration of the natural world. Her detailed botanical illustrations showcase the intricate beauty of flora, while her impressionistic landscapes capture the fleeting magic of light and shadow. Thorn's work also delves into the realm of the surreal, inviting viewers to experience nature through a fantastical lens.

Emily Bowers' work is deeply rooted in a love for nature, but also carries a powerful message. Inspired by the environment, Bowers uses his art to raise awareness about the state of our planet. His goal is to ignite conversations and inspire action through visually engaging pieces that bridge the gap between art and environmental consciousness.

"Life In Colour" is an exhibition bursting with creativity and energy. Whether you're an animal lover, a landscape enthusiast, or simply appreciate the power of colour, this show has something to offer everyone. So, head down to Stamford Arts Centre and immerse yourself in a world of artistic expression that celebrates the vibrant tapestry of life.

"Life In Colour"

Exhibition Dates: Until Saturday, July 6th

Location: Stamford Arts Centre, 27 St Mary's Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DL

Leicester Market on the Move: Stalls Spark Debate

Leicester Market on the Move: Stalls Spark Debate

Leicester's historic market appears to be facing a potential shake-up. Mayor Peter Salsby  has proposed permanently relocating the market stalls from their current location to a nearby square. 

This temporary move, implemented to improve the market, has sparked debate among residents and, most notably, the market traders themselves.

While the newly-cleared space offers a fresh perspective on the magnificent Corn Exchange, previously obscured for decades, the proposal isn't universally popular. Market traders object to the change, fearing a loss of foot traffic and established customer base.

However, the move does present an opportunity for urban renewal. The surrounding buildings, while aesthetically pleasing, could benefit from some TLC. Retailers could significantly improve the area by opening their storefronts facing the square. Currently, many function as back entrances, often inaccessible and marred by unsightly plastic posters.

The question remains: is a permanent move the answer?

Perhaps a compromise can be reached. The council could explore ways to revitalise the market area while ensuring a smooth transition for the traders. Additionally, encouraging retailers to utilise their storefronts would create a more vibrant and welcoming atmosphere, attracting both market-goers and casual strollers.

Ultimately, the decision should prioritise the well-being of Leicester's historic market, its traders, and the city's overall aesthetic appeal. Open discussions and creative solutions are key to ensuring a thriving market scene for Leicester.

The Duke of Rutland statue will be returned to original spot in Cheapside  The statue, is affectionately known as Leicester's "drunk statue"  it has been moved from place to place grow and  accusations of looking drunk.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Connie Taylor Ceramics: A New Chapter in Oakham

Connie Taylor Ceramics: A New Chapter in Oakham

Connie Taylor Ceramics, will soon be embarking on an exciting new chapter!  

Keep your eyes peeled for news about a potential move to a new shop on Mill Street! This fresh location promises to be another vibrant hub for Connie Taylor Ceramics to showcase their stunning collections and passion for the craft.

In the meantime, you can visit their current shop at Victoria Hall (unless otherwise announced) or reach out directly for updates on their latest creations and beautiful pottery.


Emma Baker, Green Party Candidate for Rutland and Stamford 4th July 2024 Election Communication Leaflet

Emma Baker, Green Party Candidate for Rutland and Stamford 4th July 2024 Election Communication Leaflet