Standards for England investigations.
I have received a large quantity of letters from Standards of England.
It is very clear Rutland County Council have not handled any my complaints correctly.
This has given members the green light for them to continue.
It appear Rutland County Council left out important details such as dates of meetings and supporting details.
What a surprise!
All complaints from councillors and ex councillor and friends have been referred for further investigations.
I am pleased to see Rutland County Council has provided all the required information.
Although they sometimes refer to Mr Wright instead of Mr White.
There has been much local discussion, regarding the cost of these investigations the people making the complaints are happy for the public to believe I have raised all the complaints and I am wasting a lot of peoples time and money.
I hope standards for England will recognise the reason for these complaints made against me are malicious and have mainly arisen because the complainants support the members who resigned when I was elected.
I am not sure what they feel they can achieve, the internet activities have suggested the stocks extra hole should be used. Fortunately Standards for England don't have those powers.
I have noticed their friends have started to remove hate content from facebook. I can only assume this is to help their cause.
I find it very frustrating this often happens after I have spoken to Richard White, who tells me he does not know the people. It is clear that in this case he knows people who post this rubbish.
Of course ex Cllr Mr Harrison is such a bully, he has no fear admitting he is responsible for his blog and content. He posts suggesting I am a risk to children. He is a nasty vile man. (another complaint to standards on it way?)
The list of complaints from Councillors and ex Councillors is huge.
If correctly investigated by Standards for England this will take up hours of my time and others. Time I am not sure I am willing to give.
I have already given up a huge amount of my time sitting at the table in the council chamber being ignored as is clearly now shown within last weeks minutes amendments. Although the last meeting things slightly improved it is clear it was hard for some members of this dysfunctional council to follow correct procedure.
I will be posting the findings of my complaints and let the public read and make up their own minds.