Cllr Alan Walters complains he is receiving no response from the public.
It does not surprise me, why would they. He knows like most residents his council will do whatever it wants.
It does not listen to residents.
He does raise a good issue on his website The named site 'one councillor' is I am told of putting to local residents. What is wrong with plain and simple Cllr Alan Walters?
Below is his latest post: I have checked the council website the meeting he refers to is to be held on
Date: Monday 07 January 2013
Not the 10th as he publishes at the end of his post:
the website for residents of Oakham North east and the wider community in Rutland
Residents of Rutland may be interested to know that on Monday 7th
January 2013 at 7pm at Catmose a Full Council meeting will be held,
largely aimed at reaching agreement on changes to Council Tax Benefit.
There are numerous web pages devoted to the changes but perhaps a
plain Englsih guide might be helpful. Rather than the Government
funding Council Tax Benefit in full following national criteria, it has
decided that the total amount of funding will be reduced, and that it is
up to Local Councils to work out how to deal with the impact.
Rutland’s response has been to consult widely, to work with neghbouring authorities, and then come up with a proposed scheme.
This has then been debated, and a number of changes made to the proposal ready for it to come to Full Council.
Despite the wide publicity and consultation there has been remarkably little debate in the local media.
This is a serious matter which residents currently receiving benefits
should be aware of - but I have not received a single message from
residents on this subject despite raising it in both the Rutland Times
and also via the Melton Times, as well as my twitter feed and on Oakham
My greatest fear is that some current claimants may simply look at
the paperwork and say “Doesn’t affect me mate – I’m on benefits”. This
is not the case and I would urge anyone with any concerns to contact the
CAB for advice.
All welcome to hear the debate - 7pm Monday 10th in the council Chamber
You can follow one councillor on Twitter