Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Special Council Meeting, Rutland County Council, UKIP Legal Action, Moments in Time

Special Council Meeting, Rutland County Council, Moments in Time


Special Council Meeting
Following on from the a blog post last week, in a special meeting of the council
the following resolution was passed:

"That the Council grants an indemnity to, and support to ##### ###### officers, to take legal
action in ###/their own name(s) for defamation by Councillors Gale, Richardson and
Wainwright of the Rutland Group of the United Kingdom Independence Party."

his gives the green light to individual members of the council to take legal action
for defamation against the members of the former Rutland anti-corruption party
members who recently joined the United Kingdom Independence Party.
The ruling Conservative council claim that the group of three have made defamatory
statements on a website and harassed staff in a series of emails.
While the group of three maintained they have done nothing wrong, insisting
they need to ask difficult questions to carry out their jobs.

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