Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Mayor. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oakham Mayor, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, British Forces Week, Oakham, Rutland, Photograph

Oakham Mayor, Cllr Joyce Lucas, Oakham Town Council, British Forces Week, Oakham, Rutland, Photograph

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Royal British Legion Oakham Branch, Welfare Fund, Oakham Mayor, Councillor Joyce Lucas

NEW CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN ELECTEDAt its Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 18th May, Cllr Mrs Joyce Lucas was elected Chairman for the forthcoming municipal year.
Cllr Mrs Lucas has chosen the Royal British Legion Oakham Branch Welfare Fund as her charity for the year.
Cllr Charles Haworth was elected as Vice Chairman  (Oakham Town Council News)

Dear Oakham Town Council,

I wrote yesterday, regarding The Royal British Legion fund raising.

A local person was told there is no longer an Oakham Branch of The Royal British Legion.

They have a passion for supporting the legion and contacted the headquarters in London and were advised they should approach the Stamford Branch.

They did and successfully raised substantial funds by producing cards for sale.

They have seen from councils web site and note the Mayors Charity this year is The Royal British Legion Oakham Branch Welfare Fund.

They are asking me does this mean there is now a resurrected branch of the Royal Oakham British Legion?
If so who are the committee members and how do they contact them.

Can we also provide information about the welfare fund and details of who manages this fund and the registered charity number please.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas Acceptance Speech

Oakham Mayor Councillor Joyce Lucas Acceptance Speech

Thank you for giving me this opportunity . I took the initials  . TC.
Let me take ‘T’ first.
‘T’ stands for Town. We are here to serve the residents of the Town of Oakham.
‘T’ stands for Teamwork. No one can do the job of Town Councillor on their own it has to be Teamwork.
There has to be Trust. We have to Trust each other to do the job, albeit as a volunteer, to the best of their ability.
We need to be Tolerant and listen to others points of view.
We need to have Targets and we need to meet those targets.
I will not listen to Tarrididdle, now there is an old fashioned word for you. Some dictionaries define this as and I quote ‘gossip’. I could have used Tittle Tackle . I suggest others follow my example.
‘T’ stands for tradition and tonight I bring back the tradition of, after the meeting has closed then everyone is invited to Toast the work of the Town Council. I hope all will take part.
Now for the letter ‘C’
‘C’, in the wider picture it stands for County but most importantly also stands for Community..the Community of Oakham.
‘C’ also stands for Chairman...dictionary definition...a person who presides over a meeting. A principal director of a firm with other directors. Substitute ‘director/s for member/s’..
We have to be ready for the Challenge of Change. We have to Communicate in a Civilised manner.
We have to give Consideration to others and be Courteous at all times.
Let us  cut out the Chit Chat  and Concentrate on what is important to the Town.
Now to put the two initials together.
‘T.C’ stands for Town Council and Total Commitment.
And another ‘T’

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oakham Town Council Mayor Stressed by Accountability and Transparency

Oakham Town Council Mayor Stressed by Accountability and Transparency

Councillor Sharon Spencer informed members of Oakham Town Council she had not expected the Rutland Times to publish her intention to step down in May.

In a private pre meeting she told members, She had not had an enjoyable year and it had been a exhausting role.

She handed members a written proposal suggesting in future the role of Mayor should be split, thinking there should be a ceremonial Mayor and a separate role for a leader.

This was supported by Councillor Tor Clark who felt the members should elect a leader for the full term and a Mayor each year.

Councillor Sharon Spencer said she was exhausted trying to do her day job and be a Councillor and Mayor.

She then went on to say she was constantly worried, I would report what was in her shopping trolley or where she parked her car.

I am not sure if this is guilt or paranoia.

I find these remarks highly unfair, I have never thought Councillor Spencer behaved illegally like Councillor Lucas.

Image how she would feel if she had been subjected to the intimidation and bullying I am subjected to and now the death threat.

It is particularly unfair as, I have always consulted with her about photographs and provided her with some unpublished images of her and her proud mother.

When she has requested I don't take photographs, I have respected those requests, this included the total ban at the Town Carol Concert.

I personally think if Councillor Spencer is totally exhausted, would it not be good for her to step down as leader now and remain as a Councillor?

It is a long time till May.........

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer Charity

Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer

Has chosen to support the following charity, throughout her year as Mayor.

The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research in Leicester and Rutland.

The Hope Foundation for Cancer Research is committed to providing funding for cancer research projects in Leicestershire and Rutland in order to enable local people to benefit from innovative treatments.

If anyone has ideas for fundraising or raising the profile of the charity in Rutland please let the Mayor know.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sarah Outen Opens Refurbished Royce Recreation Ground Oakham

MOD Police on Standby?

Sarah Outen opens the newly refurbished
Royce Recreation Ground.

Saturday 22nd May 2010

Sarah is known for recently rowing a long way at sea solo for charity.

She appeared on BBC breakfast at the end of her last project.

Her next project will be rowing from London to London around the world.

Royce recreation is a project the now Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer organised.

The cost of the project was met by a government grant of £50,000

The event was attended by other Parish Councillors, Cllr Dewis. Cllr Haworth and Cllr Lucas, Alison Greaves Assistant Town Clerk and The Town Clerk was on gardening leave. This was very true he was planting a new hedge.

Also at the event was Jay he is the friendly local PCSO

The opening was organised by Alison with the help of Cllr Joyce Lucas. I was very pleased to see the bouncy slide for the young people of the ward although I was tempted to try it myself I refrained from doing so.

Cllr Lucas was organising a Town Council Official event and for some strange reason she was wearing a badge asking people not to speak to her because she was not on official duty. I guess this meant she could say what she wanted to the public without fear of being reported to standards. Cllr Joyce Lucas slipped up and tried to smear me at this event but she was put in her place as she approached unknown to her a very good friend of mine. Naughty Joyce…..

Sarah Outen Waits to Cut the Ribbon

Sarah Outen Cuts The Ribbon

Some of the Happy Young People of Our Ward

Cllr Joyce Lucas support the wombles

Cllr Charle Haworth keeps the young folk refreshed

Cllr Alf Dewis


Oakham Mayor Sharon Spencer gives Sarah Outen a push

Oakham Mayor Sharon Spencer and Sarah Outen