Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rutland & Melton MP Sir Alan Duncan to stand down after 27 years

Rutland Melton MP Sir Alan Duncan to stand down after 27 years

It has been announced today Sir Alan Ducan will not be standing for re-election at the December
general election.

During the many years I have lived in Rutland I have seen many of Alan Duncan's up and downs
here in Rutland and Melton.
2009 was the first down I witnessed, Alan had to face his constituents as the expenses scandal
Gardening was the big issue at the time,  whilst some resident wanted to put him in Oakham stocks
His garden was visited by pound force. Heydon Prowse from Don't Panic Pound Force created a new garden feature
At Elections Alan's Conservative posters have always enhanced Rutland's Countryside.
In 2013 Alan's Dog Noodle on the right won Westminster Dog of the year definitely a high. In 2017 Flo met Noodle at Oakham Castle.
Alan launched a new tourist bus here in Rutland in 2013 these day the buses can be seen in Corby
Sir Alan Duncan has said he will continue to live here in Rutland.
Best Wishes for his retirement here in our lovely county.

Rt Hon Sir Alan Duncan MP
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