Showing posts with label Leicestershire Constabulary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leicestershire Constabulary. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Leicestershire Constabulary, Rutland LPU Commander Kam Mystry, Rutland Day 2012, Photographs

Leicestershire Constabulary,
Rutland LPU Commander Kam Mystry,
Rutland Day 2012, Photographs

Inspector Kam Mystry Rutland LPU Commander

Rutland Police based at Oakham had a stand at the Rutland Food Drink Festival yesterday. It gave those who wanted to the chance to meet and talk to the Inspector, if he wanted to talk to them. 

One member of the public complained, "he was rude as he told them to call 101 if they had a issue he was here to chat about issues, No he was here for the event?

Of course this did not stop he falling into a lengthy conversation with local Mason and Rotary Member Bob Lucas. Husband of Cllr Joyce Lucas. both part of the mob who provided statements to his officers earlier this year only for the CPS to throw out.

Many established retailers in our town can not understand how their local bobby, who appeared to not know what he was doing most of the time he was based in Oakham became their Inspector.

This was before I moved to Oakham, so I have no knowledge of his past service.

I do know, he is polite to me but that is far as it goes, i have in the past asked him to pose for a photograph at an event and he refused in typical Rutland Establishment style. and he was responsible for the trumped up charges I was subjected to earlier this year.

During a conversation with the Deputy Mayor Councillor Adam Lowe last weekend he told me  "I don't like the man" Adam was a special constable but resigned earlier this year. He went on to say when he arrived at Oakham as the new boss "he called me into his office and ask me basically to dob in my mates, questioning was there anything he should know about any of them"
The conversation went on and I mentioned his promotion, Cllr Lowe responded "Its obvious it is his colour" and "none of us could understand at first why he was turning down better job offers, that all became clear once he was promoted to Inspector" A shocking response but another example of institutionalised racism that is common her throughout local governance in Rutland.

That reminds me Rutland  County Standards took noo action against Cllr Dodds and Nowell for their repeatedly racist comments made at a town Council meeting earlier this year.

A reminder of the Leicestershire
Police and Crime Commissioner
Election November 15 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

the Integrated Offender Management hub, Leicestershire Constabulary, Chief Superintendent Rob Nixon

Centralised Integrated Offender Management
hub promoted in city

A ground-breaking new partnership group called the Integrated Offender Management hub was promoted last Monday (September 10) at Mansfield House police station.

The hub targets offenders causing greatest harm to local communities, and by working in partnership endeavours to break the offending cycle.

In an Open Day to promote the work of the hub, senior managers and representatives from a wide social spectrum in the city and county attended Mansfield House police station to listen to details of its work.  

The hub draws officers and expertise from agencies like the police, the Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust, the Leicestershire Youth Offending Service, and Senior Drugs Workers to work together to gather and co-ordinate intelligence on convicted offenders or those suspected of offending.

Case management meetings are convened to focus on offenders and involve representatives from Social Services, Community Safety Partnerships, Childrens Services or any other relevant agency to collectively agree offender management.

At its heart, the approach is about bringing people from different agencies together for a meeting about an offender, to share information and agree a more joined-up way of working together.

The hub covers Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

The event was opened and hosted by Chief Superintendent Rob Nixon, City Police Commander. He said: “Integrated Offender Management is an overarching framework for bringing together agencies in local areas to prioritise interventions with offenders. This is real partnership working, and I am very excited by the creation of this unit which is located at Mansfield House police station.”

Presentations were delivered by Helen West, Chief Executive of Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust as well as Tim Scotson, the Integrated Offender Management Strategic Manager.

The work of the hub will cover a wide range of criminal offences arising from a variety of social situations including domestic violence, mental health and drug related issues.

To find out more about what is happening in the city police area, click here.

Any enquiries regarding the work of the hub should be directed to Tim Scotson by telephoning 101.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Leicestershire Police Capture Rutland Big Cat Genuine Blockbuster Photo Sold To Daily Mail

Leicestershire Police Capture Rutland  Big Cat 
Genuine Blockbuster  Photo Sold To Daily Mail 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Leicestershire Police Stop Motorist in Mill Street Oakham Photographs

Leicestershire police officers jumps out of his car at traffic lights in Mill Street Oakham asks driver to stop in nearby car park.

I guess it was nothing too serious as the were both enjoying each others company laughing he presented his card.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween 2011 Leicestershire Constabulary Posters

Halloween 2011 Leicestershire Constabulary Posters

Vulnerable householders such as the elderly are being offered an opportunity to opt out of receiving visits from ‘trick or treaters’ this year. The ‘No thanks trick or treaters’ poster reminds the public to call the Leicestershire Police on the new 101 police non-emergency number, regarding Halloween-related anti-social behaviour.

Leicestershire Police as part of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Anti-Social Behaviour Delivery Group which involves the county, city and district councils has made a poster available below giving households the option of not being involved in the festivities. It is hoped that the campaign will reduce instances of reported anti-social behaviour across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland during the Halloween period.

Last year, a total of 398 non-emergency calls were taken by police call handlers between 6pm and midnight on October 31; approximately 17 per cent of those related to Halloween.

Chief Inspector Sally Chivers, lead for Anti-Social Behaviour at Leicestershire Police said: “We want your Halloween to be memorable for all the right reasons; and recognise that some households may choose not to be involved in Halloween festivities. By discreetly displaying our poster in your window, you can say ‘No thanks trick or treaters.’”

Jane Moore, Chair of the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy Group for Leicester and Leicestershire, said:  “Many vulnerable or elderly residents may not wish to take part in ‘Trick or Treat’ traditions, but find that they will still be visited by groups of people who go door-to-door in the good sprit of Halloween.

“The Anti-Social Behaviour Delivery Group will be working to ensure that these messages, alongside action taken the Group in neighbourhoods and communities to engage young people and reduce instances of anti-social behaviour, will support a safe and enjoyable Halloween for all in 2011.”

In 2010, local newspapers printed the poster making it available to over 65,000 households across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. This year, the poster incorporates the 101 logo as part of the design. 101 is now the non-emergency number for contacting local police with instances of Halloween and Bonfire Night-related anti-social behaviour.

Marion Lewis OBE, lead volunteer for Leicestershire Police and Chair of the East Midlands Neighbourhood Watch region said: “For the elderly, answering the door can be a difficulty. Because of this, some people consider leaving their home on Halloween night to avoid ‘trick or treaters’ all together. This poster politely lets any visitors know that you are opting out of festivities this year – in a message supported by local police and partners.”

Trick or treating is a popular tradition that is enjoyed by families all over Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and can be a great source of enjoyment, with young people in fancy dress collecting sweets and treats from neighbours in their local communities. Local policing and youth offending teams are visible in communities with additional anti-social behaviour patrols this year, to ensure Halloween is memorable for all the right reasons.
Neighbourhood Policing Teams have begun to distribute ‘No thanks trick or treaters’ posters to the elderly and vulnerable; and encourage shops to support their efforts by refusing to sell flour and eggs to young people under the age of 18. 

During Halloween 2010, the number of incidents of egg, flour or stone throwing was reduced. A total of 51 incidents were reported to police between 6pm and midnight on Sunday October 31, compared to 62 the previous year – a reduction of 18 per cent.

The poster can collected from police stations, downloaded from the force website at or sent to your e-mail if you are a member of the community messaging system which will inform subscribers of police activity in their area. Neighbourhood Link is fully endorsed by Neighbourhood Watch.

The posters are available to download below:
Trick or Treat Poster

For residents - message: No thanks Trick or Treaters. Please don't knock on this door as we do not wish to take part.

Flour & Eggs Poster

For businesses - message: Sale of flour and eggs.  This store will be helping police and will not sell flour or eggs to under 18s unless accompanies by an adult.

Leicestershire Police and Ebay

Leicestershire Police Sell everything on Ebay. Someone purchased a broken Samsung TV today.

Samsung LE37R87 37" 720p HDTV-Ready LCD Television Broken Screen Spares / Repair

Item condition:For parts or not working

Ended:24 Oct, 201120:12:10 BST

Winning bid:£45.00  

Leicester Police POCA Property


Items will be despatched within 3 working days of receipt of payment.

Items that are to be collected can be done so at our headquarters site.

Collections can be made Monday to Friday between 08:00hrs – 16:00hrs.

All collections by appointment after payment has been received.

The collection address is at the

Main Reception

Police Headquarters
St Johns
LE19 2BX

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cllr Adam Lowe, Special Constable, No Longer trusts Liecestershire Police Managers

Cllr Adam Lowe, Special Constable, No Longer trusts Leicestershire Police Managers (he is not the only one)

It would appear from Cllr Adam Lowes email morale is low at Rutland Police he is  a Leicestershire Special Constable. He no longer trusts the management. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Lowe
Sent: 10/17/11 02:58 PM
To: Cllr Martin Brookes
Subject: Re: Adam calling

I don't trust the managers who are more interested in fudging the stats for the Government..........some stopped being Police Constables when they put Government before the job, in contradicts what we represent..........they are selling their own standards for 25 pieces so far as i am concerned

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Prime Minister Cameron on his way to help Leicestershire Constabulary

Prime Minister Cameron on his way to help Leicestershire Constabulary

This week Prime Minister David Cameron read the Rutland Times and spotted the Army were assisting
Rutland Police patrolling a Rutland Village.

He also read a local Sergeants Twitter

Chris Wharton

Working dangerously on minimum numbers and low morale EVERY SHIFT.....

He then read Cllr Martin Brookes Blog about  Inspector Johnny Monks and the dangers of  photographing

So David signed up for service in the Mets Special Constabulary and is on his way to assist Leicestershire Constabulary.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sgt Chris Wharton, Leicestershire Constabulary, Low Morale, Therasa May

Sgt Chris Wharton, Leicestershire Constabulary, Low Morale, Therasa May
Is this the reason why Leicestershire Police fail so many off us?

Earlier Tweet by Sgt Chris Wharton Leicestershire Constabulary

Chris Wharton

Working dangerously on minimum numbers and low morale EVERY SHIFT.....
28 minutes ago

 Is it low morale that made his colleagues at Oakham Police subject me to years of hate by chucking away
the evidence of hate I gave them.

Inspector Johnny Monks trained them well.

And  he has the cheek to complain he has no pay rise!

Pay day today for Leicestershire police . No pay rise though due to pay freeze and and thus I have
31 minutes ago

 I say what a cheek because this is one of the officers who dealt with one of my complaints about lack of police action and another member of the public also experienced the same poor service when he was permanently based here in Oakham.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leicestershire Constabulary Supporting Homophobic Hate Crimes. Oakham Police Station, Audio Clip

I have re-recorded the part of today's recording when Oakham Police said it was normal for me to hand in evidence of hate crimes and illegal malicious communications  for them to just vanish.

Leicestershire Constabulary is a disgrace!!!

For two more than two years I have suffered from a serious hate crime and Inspector Monks now at Loughborough supported it my authorising the loss of evidence.  Not only that he also blocked investigations by Leicestershire Constabularies Hate Crime Unit, all to protect one of his own? a supporter or a member of Rutland County Council or Oakham Town Council.

After my visit I reflected on the departing comments not part of this recording "the sad thing is this will cost the tax payer 3 cups of tea as I complete the paper work" that is how seriously Leicestershire Constabulary take hate crimes

The original recording is much clearer and  saved for the IPCC

Leicestershire Police Support Hate Crimes.

Readers of my blog will know for over two years, I have been subjected to some of the most terrible hate crimes.

I have during that time handed letter after letter in at Oakham Police Station.

During the May Elections this included the illegal election posters display around Rutland's Greetham Ward.
One was even displayed close by the home of Conservative Candidate Roger Begy's home. He said I was stupid because I did not know where he lived? We all know this information is displayed on all election documents.

I handed one of the posters marked into Oakham Police station and one at Rutland County County Council. Sgt Fosters was meant to deal with these, he took no action.

A few days later I received two letters one contained a copy of this marked poster and the other a piece of homophobic hate male. I took these to Oakham police station. It was clear to me this had been sent to me via the police or Rutland County Council.  One had a clear post mark, Easter Saturday posted in the South Midlands Sgt Foster once again was meant to deal with this he did nothing.

It reminded me of the computer I had traced that was used to post offensive messages from Rutland County Councils Chambers. Sgt Dickson was meant to deal with that, he had a clear ID of the user but no action was taken and I was not informed of anything.

Earlier this year I asked for the return of the evidence I have handed into the police station I was told by Sgt Foster they did not know where it was.

I can understand the possible loss of one piece of evidence but all of it handed in at various dates over a two year period?

Today I had to hand in the most recent letter and took the precaution of recording the visit to Oakham Police Station. As I placed the letter in the evidence bag you can clearly here the person dealing with the evidence saying, "this makes a change from the past when you would normally hand it in and it would vanish"

This is an utter disgrace and clearly shows me Inspector Johnny Monks sanctioned the loss of the previous evidence. He was fully aware of my complaints so it would be impossible for him not to know what was going on.

The question is why who are Leicestershire Constabulary Protecting the person responsible for a number of crimes.

Is the hate mail coming from Oakham Police Station or Rutland County Council? whoever is sending it or has knowledge of who is sending it clearly has a high profile or why would the police seek to hamper their own investigations?

Its clear to me the police have been happy to allow me to suffer over two years of hate.

Leicestershire Constabulary say they stamp out hate crimes, my arse do  they!

I think it is about time Leicestershire Constabulary brought in another force to investigate what has been going on here in Rutland.

And Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council and the returning officer Helen Briggs have a lot to answer or regarding conduct at the last election.

Monday, October 03, 2011

No Arsing or Eluding Leicestershire Police Professional Standards

No Arsing or Eluding Leicestershire Police Professional Standards.

I read the report into my complaint produced by Leicestershire Police Professional Standards and note it's full of mistakes.

Maybe, just maybe they can employ me. :-) given their standard of English.

Apart from the arse mistake they also say Inspector Monks 'eludes' to something when it should be that he 'alludes'

It could be just the investigating officer is writing things as he thinks.

Inspector Monks has often attempted to avoid the issues, so this maybe why the investigating office used elude instead of allude

I am no Psychoanalysis, so I will leave that thought to the experts at Leicestershire Constabulary

Leicestershire Police Beat Surgery, Oakham, Rutland, Meet Local Officers

Leicestershire Police Beat  Surgery, Oakham, Rutland

Meet your local police on October 12th 2011

10.00 - 11.00

At the Market Place, High Street, Oakham

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oakham Town Council, request for police attendance due to contentious agenda items, police tell them get lost

Oakham Town Council, request for police attendance due to contentious agenda items

Well the Police didn't actually use those words. But they were told they would attend if any offence was committed or if fighting broke out.

It might feel a little intimidating with the mob* sitting in the public seats but surely the ex councillors are
not going to bring out the boxing gloves?

*mob = ex Councillor who sit staring at me, I particularly like the one who pulls faces.

It surprises me the council is now frequently calling the police** before meetings, because I am often told I imagine this intimidation.

** Source Leicestershire PCSO

I think these requests were a bit odd, When we have Cllr Adam Lowe a Special Constable surely he has a spare can of CS Gas in his pocket, to protect us all!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Leicestershire Constabulary, Photographs, Rutland Day, Rutland Water

Leicestershire Constabulary, Photographs, Rutland Day, Rutland Water

PCSO's are permitted to drive real police cars here in Rutland
because the real police are two busy doing other things....

Friday, August 19, 2011

Leicestershire Constabulary, Volunteer and Support Your Community at the LGBT Centre, Leicester

Leicestershire Constabulary, Volunteer and Support  Your Community at the LGBT Centre, Leicester

Special constable recruiting seminar

Monday 12th September at 6.30pm

At the LGBT Centre
15 Wellington Street

0116 222 2222 ext. 2657

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Leicestershire Constabulary are Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments

Leicestershire Constabulary are Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments

Leicestershire Constabulary Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments to past Chairmans

At the last meeting of Oakham Town Council the Clerk admitted previous Chairman's / Mayors had not accounted for their expenses.

I feel this is worse than the MP's expenses scandal at least they provided receipts.

I first questioned the payments in 2009 and was told by the Clerk the Chairman / Mayor was entitled to the payments tax free. Cllr Fillingham was paid around £2,000 and attended very few meetings due to illness.
I was told back then she would not be returning any of the money because she was entitled to it.

The current internal auditor has ruled this unacceptable and should not have happened and this year the Chairman / Mayor must provide receipts for all her expenses. Something I would think the tax payer would expect and surely a highly paid Clerk would have expected. As I said before he is either incompetent or corrupt.

I don't know the full figure that has been paid since Richard White has been the Clerk, he was very clear in what he said at the last meeting this had happened and can not continue.

At the same meeting new councillors raised the same concerns about how the Clerk presents accounts to members. The same things were said, when I was new. Maybe with a little more tact, I described them using the words of a accountant  friend they are rubbish and then Clerk complained to Standards and said I was bullying him, I apologised if he felt I was bullying him and he accepted that. I mentioned this at the last council meeting and reminded him of the tribunal and he aggressively said I am glad!

At the same meeting the Clerk said the accounts had improved since he became Clerk, When he took over he said everthing was in a terrible mess. I wonder if Mr Adams would agree with that claim.

He has since told me he is a good friend of Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council, so it doesn't surprise me that so many of his complaints against me were fast tracked through the local standards to Standards for England.

I guess the easy way for this to be dealt with is if past Chairman's who have not accounted for their expenses correctly should get their cheque books out and return the money to the council.

I always wondered why these people have been so determined to see me removed from the council. It would appear what I have said many times before is becoming true this council  has a lot to hide!

It will be interesting to see how far Leicestershire Constabulary will look into the financial affairs of the council.
Or is time the external auditor listened and took a look and stopped listening to Rutland County Council and the Clerk when they tell the auditor don't worry Brookes is just mad ignore him.

The internal auditor has picked up on one item that they tried to shut me up about.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Inspector Kamlesh Mistry, New Rutland Chief of Police, Oakham Police Station

Inspector Kamlesh Mistry, New Rutland Chief of Police, Oakham Police Station

Now Inspector Monks has gone, I found my visit to Oakham Police Station this week was as it should be.

I handed the latest piece of hate mail in at the front desk and it was dealt with promptly and correctly.

The person dealing with the crime said "We can no longer sweep this under the carpet"

Lets hope the new boss Inspector Mistry will unravel the mystery of everthing has been swept under the carpet by Inspector Monks in support of Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council.

It would be nice if what he finds pulls the rug from under the feet of the Leader and Deputy of Rutland County Council and The Chief Executive.

I hope Johnny is searched before he leaves Oakham and the past letters he asked officers to lose might appear.

One officer told me not many will be attending his leaving do. I don't dislike the man, but I hope he remembers not to suck up to local councillors in his new role.

PS Johnny here is a helpful address for Christmas, for Mrs Monks

Superdrug   (cheap perfume)
2 Market Place
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3EA
01509 234 476

Please note I am not suggesting Mrs Monks smells.

The perfume request refers to Inspectors Monks lack of knowledge of Oakham. Last Christmas he asked me where in Oakham he could buy some cheap perfume for Mrs Monks.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Helen Pender, Leicestershire Constabulary, Hate Crimes, Oakham Town Council

Helen Pender, Leicestershire Constabulary, Hate Crimes.

Special Constable and Oakham Town Councillor Adam Lowe, says police examined Helen Penders computer, after she told police some one had accessed her pc at home to send me e-mails and comments of  a homophobic and hateful nature. A Inspector at Melton police station has written to Helen Pender to say the finding were inconclusive.

Adam Lowe then said this is would be the likely outcome of the ongoing investigation into the homophobic hate crimes against me. I think this is wishful thinking of many councillor past and present who have been involved.

This morning I received another disgusting letter. I attended a working group at Oakham Town Council this morning and mentioned the letter and my disgust and said this needs to stop, Cllr Dewis stormed out of the meeting. The letter has be crimed at Oakham police station, once again a large amount of tax payers money will be spent examining it.

Oakham Town Council

At last nights meeting new members were critical of the clerks accounts and systems and he got very angry when I brought up the time I raised the same issue and he reported me to standards. This will be heard next week in Birmingham and he said said he is glad! It is clear his acceptance of my apology was not genuine, he is clearly part of the small group who are determined to see me removed from the council.

I will say it again the professional opinion I was given regarding Oakham Town Councils accounts was they were rubbish. The internal auditor says they are acceptable. I disagree the cost to the council is huge and all we receive are account that anyone could knock up on a home PC.

The Clerk last night said The Chairman must now account for her allowance with receipts. In the past the council had just passed the allowance to the chairman and not asked for any explanation of how it is spent. The Clerk says it is for the chairman and no one else to decide how the allowance is spent. I think he need to remember this is tax payers money and they would expect Cllrs to ensure this money is spent wisely.

It is disgusting this money was for many years just handed over. The Council should as I request previously be asking for the return of some or all the money paid to Councillor Jan Fillingham who spent most of her time of sick.

This flippant attitude towards tax payers money needs to stop. When work is required on the skate park we don't obtain quote. The wife of the person who is contracted to carry out the work is employed by Rutland County Council. When the contractor came to collect his last £2,0000 cheque he was asked "do you want the cheque payable to you personally or the company"?

Oakham Town Council has now authorised the Clerk to obtain quotes for new Christmas light, After he presented one quote to members with the figures blanked out from a company, who he some how made contact with. I agree with another Councillor the town spends far to much money on a small show of lights and even more putting them up and taking them down. It is likely the Council will be asked by the clerk to spend far more.

New members are now starting out number older members they ask some questions the clerk is finding uncomfortable. I wonder if the Clerks chums are going to start rallying around him, will they receive threats and hate mail?  The Clerk tells me he is very good friends with the leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy. Not something I would want to boast about.

Another new councillor used a "c" word to describe Oakham Town Council, "Corrupt" It did surprise me. But not anything I have not said in the past. The Council has been corrupt in the past and people need to be held accountable and put things right.

Jan Fillingham can start first by writing a cheque and return at least half her allowance money she did not account for and all the past chairman who the clerk said said did the same until the internal auditor picked it up last year should do the same.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Inspector Monks Rutland LPU Commander, Leicestershire Constabulary, Liberty

Inspector Monks Rutland LPU Commander, Leicestershire Constabulary, Liberty

Many who read my blog will know I made three complaints about Inspector Monks conduct.

Many months on senior officers are working hard investigating my complaints?

At the same time, I sort advice from Liberty the human rights organisation, I have just received a very helpful long e-mail.

The information may be useful for others

Subject: Liberty - your query
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 12:46:28 +0100

Dear Mr Brookes

Thank you for your query received on 04 December 2010 and follow up received on 6 May 2011. I am sorry for the delay in replying to you which is a result of the large number of queries we are currently processing and our limited resources.

I understand that your local police have disclosed information about you to your GP in order make an appointment for the doctor to ‘check out your mental condition’. You would like information about the sharing of information between the police and your GP.

At the outset I should say that Liberty unable to help you directly with your case. This is because Liberty is a small civil liberties organisation that focuses on bringing test cases with a view to challenging domestic law under the Human Rights Act 1998 or under European human rights law. We have limited resources and receive many requests for assistance. However I have set out some information below which I hope you will find useful.

Sharing of information by the police

The fundamental rule is that police information should not be disclosed without the consent of the relevant person unless there are important considerations of public interest to justify departure from the general rule of confidentiality. This means that there must be a pressing social need and that the disclosure must be proportionate.

Exceptions to the general principle of non-disclosure may arise where, for example, there is a need to protect vulnerable members of society, ensure good and honest administration of the law or protect national security.

Information sharing
Information sharing can sometimes take place without your consent. However, it should be clear why the information is being shared and who is involved. If organisations want to share sensitive or confidential information, they are more likely to need your consent. For example, if they want to share information about your health. If you are asked to consent to information sharing, you should have a genuine free choice. Consent shouldn’t be used as the basis for sharing information if, in reality, you have little or no choice.
Information may generally only be shared without you knowing about it where telling you about the sharing would be likely to prejudice a criminal investigation, or prevent a vulnerable person receiving proper protection.
Data Protection Act
You have a legal right to access information held about you, ask an organisation to stop sharing information about you, or make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the information relating to a public body’s information sharing, such as their policies and procedures.
The first thing to do is to contact the organisation or organisations that you think are sharing information about you. They should be able to tell you exactly what the shared information is, who it is being shared with and why.
The quality of the shared information is important. For example, it should be accurate and up to date. If you have concerns about the quality of the information being shared, or if you have any other concerns, you should take them up first with the relevant organisation or organisations.

You have a limited right under the Data Protection Act to tell an individual or organisation to stop ‘processing information’ about you (this includes sharing information) if it is causing you substantial damage or substantial distress which is unwarranted. You must make clear, in writing who you are and clearly describe the  ‘information processing’ that you wish to stop. This could relate to the use that is being made of the information or it could be the information itself, who the information is being released to or how it is being processed, why this processing is causing you unwarranted and substantial damage or distress. However, this right does not apply to any processing done either with your consent or where is necessary to protect your vital interests. The organisation should reply in 21 days and explain what, if anything, they are going to do in response. They should also give their reasons if they think your demand is not justified in any way. You should keep copies of all the correspondence relating to the matter. Also record the dates of any communications. This will be important evidence for any subsequent proceedings.


Under the Data Protection Act, those who collect and use personal information have to follow rules of good practice for handling information (called the data protection principles). The Act also gives rights to individuals whose information they collect and use.
The first data protection principle requires the authority to process personal data fairly and lawfully. In practice, it means that they must have legitimate reasons for collecting and using the personal data, not use the data in ways that have unjustified adverse effects on the individuals concerned, be open and honest about how they intend to use the data, and give individuals appropriate privacy notices when collecting their personal data, and make sure they do not do anything unlawful with the data.
Crime and Disorder Act 1998
The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (“CDA”) aims to criminality, disorderly conduct, and anti-social behaviour in local communities. Other than describing the kind of behaviour that is prohibited, it also sets out specific powers that authorities may use in order to combat anti-social behaviour.
In particular, s. 115 provides certain authorities the power to disclose information to others, in situations where that disclosure would otherwise not be allowed. Therefore where “the disclosure is necessary or expedient for the purposes of” preventing conduct prohibited under the Act, the chief officer of police for a police area in England and Wales a police authority may share information with a Strategic Health Authority or a health authority. The police may suggest that you were engaged in, or likely to engage in, anti-social/disorderly behaviour and seek to justify the information sharing on this basis.

Police policy on sharing information
Most police authorities have devised their own policies for the sharing of information with local partners. The policy devised by Leicestershire Police, which may be of interest to you, can be found at

Practical steps
Being a protocol devised by them, Leicestershire police can reasonably be expected to fully comply with it in all cases. Should you believe that your information has been shared in breach of these provisions, you may consider making a complaint. First, tell the police force concerned. Unfortunately as the information has already been disclosed, there are limited steps the police can take. You may wish to request that they do not share your personal data in future without your consent. If you have contacted them about the problem but have been unable to solve it, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) may be able to help.
You can make your complaint to the ICO by email if all your supporting evidence is available electronically. Alternatively you can complete the Data Protection Act complaint form and post it to “First Contact Team, Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF”.
You may wish to consult your local citizen’s advice bureau or law centre before making a complaint. Alternatively, you may wish to verify the legal position with a specialist solicitor.  You can find a list of solicitors in your local area by visiting the Community Legal Advice website ( or calling 0845 345 4 345.

I hope you find the above information useful and I am sorry we cannot assist you further.  I wish you all the best and thank you for contacting Liberty.

Kind regards

Advice and Information Officer

Protecting civil liberties
Promoting human rights

What's not to love about the Human Rights Act?
