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Friday, August 19, 2011

Oakham Town Council Accounts

I recently posted a blog about the Town Council Accounts and emailed a copy to various people. In this blog I wrote about the Clerks comment about the accounts before his time describing them as a mess. I suggested the previous Clerk Richard Adam would not be to happy to hear his comment.

This has prompted our Chairman to suck up to Richard Adams, I have no problem with this former Clerk
but I wonder why it is he held in such high regard by the Town Council to the extent no one is never to mention his name? 

Our Chairman Cllr Joyce Lucas sent out a e-mail in response to my email, to all recipients stating Richard Adams was not the Clerk before the current Richard White why?

It is clear to all to see from the official board he was the clerk before Richard White.

She  has gone on to repeatedly say I am mistaken. So before she pays the workman to remove the board I have photographed it! I am sure that it reads Richards Adams before Richard White.

Cllr Lucas has suggested I make an appointment with her to discuss privately this matter with her, possibly to explain a small cover up relating to the Council financial affairs 2003 -2004?

I have declined the offer, I would rather not meet with some one who tells me to shut my mouth at meetings and then later rather than apologise, says I will say the same again and then removes her hearing aids to ignore me.

As the speakers wife said last night I say stuff the establishment, Lets have a town council that is run effectively for the benefit of the town or get rid of it. I am hoping the new members will help achieve an effective and efficient town council

One that does not think its all-right to spend £50 to knock a picture hook into a wall!

From: lucashackgreen@aol.com

Can I point out to ALL members and Officers. That Richard White did not take over from Richard Adams.
There was another clerk before Richard White.
If anyone wants details please ask.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Leicestershire Constabulary are Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments

Leicestershire Constabulary are Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments

Leicestershire Constabulary Seeking Advice Regarding Oakham Town Council Payments to past Chairmans

At the last meeting of Oakham Town Council the Clerk admitted previous Chairman's / Mayors had not accounted for their expenses.

I feel this is worse than the MP's expenses scandal at least they provided receipts.

I first questioned the payments in 2009 and was told by the Clerk the Chairman / Mayor was entitled to the payments tax free. Cllr Fillingham was paid around £2,000 and attended very few meetings due to illness.
I was told back then she would not be returning any of the money because she was entitled to it.

The current internal auditor has ruled this unacceptable and should not have happened and this year the Chairman / Mayor must provide receipts for all her expenses. Something I would think the tax payer would expect and surely a highly paid Clerk would have expected. As I said before he is either incompetent or corrupt.

I don't know the full figure that has been paid since Richard White has been the Clerk, he was very clear in what he said at the last meeting this had happened and can not continue.

At the same meeting new councillors raised the same concerns about how the Clerk presents accounts to members. The same things were said, when I was new. Maybe with a little more tact, I described them using the words of a accountant  friend they are rubbish and then Clerk complained to Standards and said I was bullying him, I apologised if he felt I was bullying him and he accepted that. I mentioned this at the last council meeting and reminded him of the tribunal and he aggressively said I am glad!

At the same meeting the Clerk said the accounts had improved since he became Clerk, When he took over he said everthing was in a terrible mess. I wonder if Mr Adams would agree with that claim.

He has since told me he is a good friend of Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council, so it doesn't surprise me that so many of his complaints against me were fast tracked through the local standards to Standards for England.

I guess the easy way for this to be dealt with is if past Chairman's who have not accounted for their expenses correctly should get their cheque books out and return the money to the council.

I always wondered why these people have been so determined to see me removed from the council. It would appear what I have said many times before is becoming true this council  has a lot to hide!

It will be interesting to see how far Leicestershire Constabulary will look into the financial affairs of the council.
Or is time the external auditor listened and took a look and stopped listening to Rutland County Council and the Clerk when they tell the auditor don't worry Brookes is just mad ignore him.

The internal auditor has picked up on one item that they tried to shut me up about.

The Work Programme, Intraining, Leicester

Today I attended my second interview of the New Work Programme.

Some guidance was given on how I can enhance my CV.

I was surprised to learn this scheme is not as well funded as the previous new deal.

The Government says the work programme will knock down the barriers for the long term and help us find

New Deal paid for interview travel expenses and travel to a compulsory work placement. (Although Working Links never found me a placement)

The work programme has no funds to pay for interview expenses.

A work placement is not a compulsory part of the New Work Programme and they have no funds to get people to the work placement. So if I was found work experience in Leicester I would be expected to pay £260 train fare?

Intraining is currently internally advertising for part-time staff to travel to Rutland or Melton to save the scheme travel costs.

I imagine the government is handing over a large sum of cash to the Aussie company who won the national contract and once they and the large London based accounts have taken their slice of the cash it does not leave much for the contractor and the sub contractor in my case Intraining who seem to be doing their best with the tiny amount of cash they are given for each referral. I understand this is less then they were given under New Deal. they receive no further payment until a customer has found a job and been in work for 6 months.

Mr Cameron talks tough and everyone appeared to think the New Work Programme would be tough and help us find work. I would not like to place a bet, but I am sure some of these providers will go bust.

My next appointment is early September I suspect this has something to do with the travel costs.

I am disappointed with the New Work Programme. How could the government produce a scheme that provides less than New Deal and expect it to produce results.

Then there are all the providers like Working Links that used money to refurbish offices last year with tax payers money only to close them this year. I was wondering are all there staff now signing on?

A Moth on My Window Martin Brookes Photograph

A Moth on My Window Martin Brookes Photograph