Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Clays Oakham Charity Ladies Night

Wednesday 12th May 2010

Charity Night

Monday, April 26, 2010

Clays Bar and Night Club Strippers Return To Oakham

Last night we had fun at

Clays Bar/Club

Karaoke on Sunday's

Good news for the ladies Clays may have gone
up market but it has not forgot the Ladies enjoy
a little or big bit of a man

12th May is Ladies night
I think it costs £15

lots of
Naked Men
Drag Queens.

Helen Pender The Nun of The Above

Helen Pender The Nun of The Above
Oakham Town Council Election
Due to a technicality or a cock up
Helen Pender can not stand.

To be fair 1% was my fault
99% was someones else

We were looking forward to the campaign
it started last night when Helen met Elvis Impersonator
Mr Clay at Clays Bar/Night Club
If its good enough for Gordon Brown its good enough
for any Oakham Town Council Candidate.

(First I would like to congratulate Mr Walters
who is now a new Town Councillor.)

Cllr Joyce Lucas

Helen was looking forward to working
with her buddies on the council

Helping to make the council and members
more accountable and discussing dog mess

Cllr Charles Haworth

Helen wanted to assist with getting more police
onto the streets of Oakham, to deal with the litter louts

Helen was really looking forward to assisting
 with the clean up of Oakham

Helen is always optimistic and says
there is always light and the end of the tunnel

Thumbs up to Helen
Helen will stand against the current
Mayor Jan Fillingham MBE next May

Helen is very keen to continue the clean up campaign at
Oakham Town Council

Helen Stood against the man on the right in a past general election
not enough votes to win against this good man.
Certainly enough to beat any member of Oakham
Town Councils Count
Man on left Jim (Mr Harrison) Former Mayor of Oakham
on the right former Melton and Rutland MP and a current candidate in
the general election Mr Duncan

Helen Supports the Gay Community in Oakham & Rutland and looks forward
to assisting with a future Gay Pride event in Oakham
Sandra Drag Artist Kissing a Straight Man
at Dover Castle Leicester

Royce Rec New Play Equipment broken again

Oakham Town Council Councillors Questions for next meeting.

Councillors Questions for next meeting.

1. Will the chairman of Oakham Town Council return all or part of the allowance paid in full at the start of her term?

2. Is it acceptable for the chairman to keep her allowance when she has not been carrying out any official duties or attending meetings?

3. At the last councillor questions the town Clerk stated the chairman was mentally capable to work over the phone, why is this acceptable?

4. The Town Clerk informs me it is against the rules for the council to pay into a private pension fund. Oakham Town Council can only pay money in the local authority pension fund. So why is Oakham Town Council giving the Town Clerk payments in lieu?

5. the cash sums paid to the Town Clerk are considerable when is the Town Clerk going to return these payments to the local taxpayer?

6. The schedule of payments a public document, clearly show the pay rise paid to the Town Clerk this year is disgustingly high. Why was the town clerk awarded such a large pay rise?

7. How much is the Town Clerk paid?

Cllr Martin Brookes

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oakham Bandstand

Work Progress

Oakham Town Council Complaints

I wish to make the following complaints:

1. Cllr Jan Fillingham
Failed to declare a prejudicial interest, when she made a decision relating to the council's rent as the Chairman whilst of sick but mentally capable to does so according to the town clerk. Cllr Fillingham stopped attending any meetings once I was elected and runs the council from her home.
Cllr Fillingham is a trustee for the Landlords Victoria Hall.

2. Cllr Jan Fillingham, Cllr Sharon Spencer, Town Clerk Richard White.
For making a decision effecting the rental agreement with out the full councils consent or knowledge.
I fear this is common practice.

3. Cllr Jan Fillingham, Cllr Sharon Spencer, Town Clerk Richard White.
For renewing the toilet cleaning contract and agreeing to a increese of the fee, without the consent or knowledge of the full council.

Council members only became aware of this decision two days before a full council meeting. The members were told the council could make a permanent decision at a later date. Council members could have decided at the full meeting.
This is unacceptable, public money has been spent without the full council approval.
I think this highlights my concerns, Oakham Town Council is run by a elite group and I hope Rutland County Council and the Standards Committee support my request for a full audit of Oakham Town Council to be carrried out by The Governments audit commission.

Cllr Martin Brookes

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mr Duncans Posters attacked around Oakham and some are homophobic

The above help leaflet new at
Rutland County Library Oakham

Oakham Town Council Meeting

Tonight's Oakham Town Council meetings will start at 7pm at Victoria Hall.

During tonight's council meeting 7 questions will be answered by Oakham Town Council and further questions put to members will be answered.

The public can attend and ask questions relating to the agenda at the correct time.

It would be good to see more public.

I like others are a little confused to why former members turn up when they resigned because they said they cant work with me. Intimidation and bullying springs to mind.

Sadly the town Clerk is sick so wont be attending.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oakham Town Council Forgot

Oakham Town Council has forgot it Serves the community.

There are seven Principles of public life.


Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.
They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.


Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.


In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.


Holders of public office accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.


Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.


Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in ways that protects the public interest.


Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

Oakham Town Council is looking for new Councillors

Oakham Town Council is looking for new Councillors

Becoming a councillor can be a most rewarding experience. It could give you the opportunity to help your local community.

Being a councillor is a great way to gain political experience and useful skills in public speaking, debating and problem solving.

New councillors are good news. They bring fresh ideas and fresh enthusiasm, and that is good news for your council.

To be eligible you must be:

•A British subject or a citizen of the Irish Republic or the EU and resident in the UK.
•At least eighteen years old on the day you are nominated.
•Either on the electoral register for the council area in which you are seeking election, or have lived or worked in that council area for at least the last twelve months.

No election has been called for the two vacant seats in Oakham South East. Oakham Town Council has, therefore, been given permission to co-opt two people on to the Council.

For some unkown reason it has chose to delay co-opting this wont give much time to advertise and fill the seat's.

If Oakham Town Council fails to fill the seats in time Rutland County Council will be responsible for the appointments.

If you wish to register a interest please contact Oakham Town Council:

Oakham South East

No Parking anywhere in Oakham

I asked about a week ago for the cone to be removed from this lamppost not a difficult job for The Town Councils maintenance man. It will cost a lot more if the lamppost is damaged by people shaking it to get it down.
Another example of a councillor being ignored who is trying to serve the community.

Oakham Town Council Audit?

The Following e-mail has been sent to the Governments Audit Commission requesting a full audit of Oakham Town Council

Councillor Martin Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

Dear Sir/Madam
I was elected as a town Councillor to serve the people of Oakham Rutland.
I have serious concerns relating to the operations of Oakham Town Council.
I request the Audit Commission carry out a full investigation into the running of the town council.
I list a few of concerns below.
I have been subjected to Harassment, constant interference and intimidation that violates my dignity, this has created a hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. This has been homophobic.
I have raised this complaint with the local standards committee, It is my opinion this committee is not impartial. Because they adjourned to sweep this under the carpet, sorry I mean to suggest mediation. Mediation is not acceptable when you basic rights and laws have been broken by others.
I have also reported two members to Leicestershire Police.
At my first meeting, I was asked not to comment on a matter on the agenda by the deputy chairman Sharon Spencer.
I had concerns regarding the award of a £30,000 contract. The contract had only two tenders invited by the Town Clerk both almost the same and one not itemised.
After this I received an e-mail from a member of the public, I have shared this with The Town Clerk.
He is very angry and on three times he has demanded I give him the details of the sender. (Once in his words I am asking nicely)
It is clear the author of the email knows the town clerk, the town clerks over reaction suggests to me he has something to hide.
The town clerk often shouts at me insists the Town Council is like a football club and I should do as he says.
He now tells me I am his employer and says I am bullying him.
I am locked out of the office. A lock has been fitted to an internal door from the chamber.
It is common practice for other councillor to sit in the office on their own for many hours if the town clerk is absent.
It is my belief the Town Council is run solely as a club for the chairman, deputy and the town clerk and others.
The chairman has missed many meeting this year and not attended any since my election due to ill health.
Although the Town Clerk says she is mentally fit to make decision relate to council business over the phone.
I question this and he tells me as long as a member apologises for not attending the six month count restarts. So he is say you can be a councillor never attend a meeting as long as you send apologies that is fine you can remain a councillor.
I was forced to hold my surgery in the street this weekend and the public told me they liked the idea the council should serve them.
At the last meeting the Town Clerk reported a change of internal auditor because the council had become too close.
The Town Council is not accountable to the public it serves.
It does not have a strategic plan or continuity plan. It just seems to spend, spend!
I have asked Rutland County Council to let me know how many voters are required to call an election to abolish the council, after members of the public ask me to raise a petition. To date I have received no reply.
Yours sincerely
Cllr Martin Brookes

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lesbian Gay Bisexual The Centre

The Centre is supported by Rutland County Council, if you live in Oakham you probably would not know this. These issue are never discussed in Rutland.

My experience recently at Oakham Town Council has shown me people are homophobic.

The Centre can help with many issues.

They have been a great help today.

I have completed a form reporting a homophobic incident after the last council meeting I attended.

This is form is sent direct to the Force Hate Crime Officer outside of Oakham. I believe this means my complaint will be dealt with correctly unlike previous complaints I have made over the past year at Oakham Police Station.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rutlands Thanksgiving Day

Today was thanks giving for Rutland.

VIP's from across the boarder visited from as far Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire. I can say boarder because the parish priest welcomed them all in that way.

There were some people from Rutland County Council.

No one from Oakham Town Council.

Even though a representative should have been part the procession from the castle.

A church service was held at All Saints Church Oakham,
The sermon seemed to be a Greek and Latin lesson about love and sex.

After the church service the tax payer treated the elite to afternoon tea in the Council Chamber at Rutland County Council.

I was invited into the kitchen and had a chat with the very friendly catering staff.

No photographs please Martin I am a Rutland County Councillor. We don't like you taking our photographs (Cllr V is a very nice man)

Now this is really where freedom of speech is controlled in our county
The lady above is Helen Briggs The paid big boss at Rutland County Council, she is so good, she has saved the county millions of pounds by contracting out nearly every service, so much saving this year we became the most expensive county in the country to live in. Council Tax is the highest in the land.

The lady above is super she is the Mayor of Melton, many Rutland folk look down on Melton folk but if we had a few more people like her in our county life would be so much better for many.
I wonder where Melton Find their Mayors I have not met on horrible one in the last five years, I have lived in the part of England.

Above is Mr, Mrs, Weir they are very nice and important people in Rutland. Mr Weir owns big chunks of Rutland and a lot more.

Commander and Station Commander at Royal Air Force Cottesmore

Above a local clergyman introduced as one of the oldest in Rutland

Cllr Robin King and other Rutland County Councillors arrive for tea

Waiting for tea

Above is the good leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy and his wife

Above is the new friendly police Sergent recently made to move to Oakham

Above is the Chairman of Rutland County Council. Mr Baines

Above The Mayor of Stamford Council
The New High Sherrif of Rutland as smiley and nice as the former High Sherrif Mrs Mills
Check Spelling