Showing posts with label Rutland Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland Times. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rutland Times Job Advertisement For Porn Stars and Extras, No Experience Required

Rutland Times Job Advertisement For Porn Stars and Extras, No Experience Required

Rutland Times Advertisement For Porn Stars and Extras No Experience Required

I know at times it can get hard for small papers, like the Rutland Times when they struggle to raise advertising revenue.

In the past the Rutland Times has always been a little cautious when it comes to approving what
it publishes.

The public reaction to this advertisement in this weeks jobs page, had woman giggling and laughing throughout Tesco this morning, with some discussing were their husbands fit for this job?

I said why not? the advert clearly states no experience required.

I was wondering what would the dress code be for the interview?

Of course if the Rutland Times was to continue to expand into this source of revenue making, we could see the publication pulled from Tesco and find it placed on the top shelf of the local newsagent.

Now there is a idea for the resident cartoonist.

Speaking to the Rutland Times Oakham office earlier, the response was oh dear! We are not meant to publish those sort of adverts and the Peterborough office may be responsible.When I said I would publish my find, a polite request was made not to do so. My view is the Rutland Times has never done me any favours, so I decided to publish my find. I don't think it will do the paper any more harm than it inflicts on its self, with its biased often one side reporting.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Letter received to The Editor, Rutland Times and Mercury

Just received a copy of a letter sent to the Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury Editor

The Editor, Rutland Times and Mercury                                                                                
5 November 2011

I refer to articles you published with such bias and inaccuracy in the Rutland Times of 3 November ‘Councillor broke code of conduct,’ and in the Rutland Mercury of 4 November ‘Councillor breached rules six times.’
It is a pity that the local paper fails to send reporters to Oakham Town Council meetings.  If you did so you would ascertain that Cllr Brookes tries to keep the Council fiscally and democratically responsible, and it is an uphill battle.  He is reported by you as having ‘displayed an obscene poster on an official notice board.’  However you failed to report that this was a copy of a malicious posting, which was put onto his web page by those who seek to limit Cllr Brookes’ effectiveness in representing local constituents.  Both Cllr Brookes and the person in whose name they were fraudulently and maliciously posted, complained to the police and the police took no action, refusing to give the incident a crime number.
Subsequently a complaint to Police Standards found that Inspector Monks had a ‘point of learning’ attached to his personnel file in relation to his inaction in this incident.  I note that the local paper failed to publish the true details of this event.  With such biased reporting is it any wonder that the local paper fails to thrive.  The press should hold those in local democracy to account.  The fact that your paper is so far in bed with those in power on our Council that is fails to report on serious matters of financial impropriety leads one to suspect that your paper is nothing more than a propaganda sheet for the ruling party.  There is much to be concerned about locally both on Oakham Town Council and at Rutland County Council, most of it due to the financial mess they are creating.
Local Councillors appear to believe they have some sort of ‘divine right’ and when, at the local elections in May, the Chief Executive of RCC and Conservatives on RCC tried to steal an election for a local Conservative, Peter Jones, your paper failed to report the thorough undermining of the democratic processes and five recounts.  Is it any wonder that at times Cllr Brookes has occasionally taken steps to ensure that members of the local Conservative Party are exposed for the way in which they conduct themselves?

(Name and address provided )

Monday, September 19, 2011

Johnston Press plc is killing local Journalism with cuts after cuts

We are expected to fork out 50p for a tiny weekly paper, I am no journalist and I am sometimes rather harshly told I can't spel

Although I would not want to see the local staff loose their jobs at a time when the Johston Press is swinging the axe. I do feel they could do much better.

I notice the spelling mistakes, the incomplete press releases from our Conservative Rutland County Council.
There is quite a bit of criticism out there in the world wide web.

But just like Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council  who consider the Rutland Times  their propaganda tool, they seem blinkered to this.

(Its Kate Adie's Birthday today Happy Birthday.) She once told me it would be a bad day for democracy if we saw the demise of newspapers.

Possibly something councils like Rutland County Council would be pleased to see.

We all have something to look forward too, in future publications of the Rutland Times. Oakham Town Councillor John Nowell has been given a new role. He will write stories about Town Council meetings after they have been vetted by the Chairman Cllr Lucas and the Deputy Chairman Cllr Haworth the will be sent to the Rutland Times, providing of course a very unbiased journalistic content for the Rutland Times readers to enjoy along side Cllr Lucas's egotistic column "My Town,  My County"

One of the Rutland Times on-line critics below:
I have recently returned from my time at university in Edinburgh, one of the world’s great cities - a bustling European capital full of character, tales and culture at every turn down it’s meandering streets - to Rutland.


Like all quality journalism, it takes 124hours and 15minutes to report a story that consists of two sentences and 31 words. 31 words frothing with news, overfilling out of the chalice of journalism, though. Obviously, to ensure the gravitas of this tragedy, ‘EMERGENCY’ has to be spelt in capitals.
Rutland I love you, but your bringing me down…

Rutland Times "Self Censorship", Supporting it's Love for Conservative Rutland County Council

Rutland Times "Self Censorship", Supporting it's Love for Conservative Rutland County Council .

Regular readers of the rather thin biased Tory Rutland Times may have noticed a lack of cartoon in a recent issue.

The cartoonist word on this "Self Censorship"

With supermarket the saga ongoing, the paper gave over large column inches to Conservative Leader Roger Begy, so he could blast his other foot off and all the letters to follow, you would have thought we would have been treated to a super cartoon on the subject, NO it was considered too HOT a subject by the Rutland Times.

So I can only assume Conservative pressure has rained down once again from Rutland County Council!

If I was producing a cartoon on the subject it would picture Roger Begy, with a Tesco yellow label on his belly being fed into the waste compactor at the rear of Tesco. As unwanted past his sell by date along with the rest of his Tory mob. Nothing personal just the old guard thinks its hard, when in fact it is just a bit stale.....

A cartoonist in Rutland with restricted freedom of expression whatever next?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rutland Times, Rutland and Stamford Mercury editor Eileen Green, Rutland Day, Rutland Water

Rutland Times, Rutland and Stamford Mercury  editor Eileen Green, Rutland Day, Rutland Water

editor Eileen Green (middle)

Your County, Your Paper, Rutland Times

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Johnston Press merges weekly titles

Badge greenslade blog

Johnston Press merges weekly titles

Two Yorkshire weeklies published by Johnston Press - the Driffield Times and Driffield Post - have been merged to become the Driffield Times & Post.  Read more

Friday, September 09, 2011

Roger Begy Rutland County Council Some Where Over The Rainbow

Reading the local papers today Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council is clearly not popular!

No he does not shop in Oakham in answer to one letter writers question.
At a planning meeting he told us all he jumps into his shiny silver Jag and drives to Stamford Lidl.

We are treated to a large amount of letters: One writer said what many and I have been saying for some time, the current economic climate is not effecting councillors like him and he a his Tory Bullies who are serving the elite minority.

Another writer in his column in today's Rutland Mercury suggested Councillors like him and others from Lincolnshire are living in cloud cook coo land. 

I prefer to say he lives over the Rainbow with the Wicked Witch played by the Chief Executive Helen Briggs.

I spotted a Rainbow today, I like to think Roger Begy lives somewhere over the rainbow, it is said all rainbows lead to a pot of gold this one today seemed to end at Rutland County Council Offices, Roger and his Tory mob certainly enjoying dipping into the pot of gold there. £22,000 + in allowances and expenses each year is normal amount for him.

Well done to the Rutland Times and Mercury for printing all the letters from angry voters.

The Mercury column writer said Councillor like Roger Begy are serving the minority, I would not disagree with that. He went on to say Roger shot himself in the foot over the BBC Supermarket issue and relies on voter apathy.

He and his five Conservative cabinet members are only serving themselves, so I guess that could be the minority the writer refers to. I watched our local elections and spoke to people in Greetham and there is certainly apathy. How do we end that apathy if all these angry people stood at the next election we would really have a good choice at the poll.

It very clear now the cabinet is making some very important decisions without any input from the full council.
 Last week it was taking money hundreds of thousand of pounds away from the little build. Oakham Church of England Primary School.

This week out of 12 Tenders for the Parks School site the Cabinet decided this week to ignore the applications from 3 supermarkets and chose two applications from two home builders.

Going back to the letters, another letter writer says "when will Mr Begy and his like realise that they are supposed to be representing the majority view of those he purports to represent, rather than that of the privileged minority? At the next elections, I hope".

Mrs Briggs and the Tory mob reading this weeks local papers will I am sure be thinking how can we shut them down, carefully noting the names of all the letter writers for future reference.

This week I was contacted by three Radio Four Radio Journalist who were interested in interviewing me about unemployment in Rutland and the Work Programme after reading my blog. I understand one of them spoke to Rutland County Council and then at the last moment they were too busy to meet and discuss an interview. Rutland County Council are very good at squashing peoples freedom of speech. We all have to listen to the rubbish that comes from them but they don't want to hear from anyone else. I was disappointed to lose the chance to help the unemployed of Rutland in a small way. Rutland County Council can not attempt to quash peoples freedom of expression for ever can they?
I understand the judge at my tribunal is directing the tribunal to advise Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council about its breaches of Article 10 of the Human Rights Act.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Conservative Rutland Times Subservient to Conservative Rutland County Council

Conservative Rutland Times Subservient to Conservative Rutland County Council

A reader of my blog, this morning asked  "why has the local press not picked up on my story, about the Councillors calling in the police at Rutland County Council?"

Good question I thought. The answer is in the title of this post. Also they have been conditioned to ignoring me... and there are no true journalists working at the paper any more. They rely heavily on incomplete press releases from both council meetings so often you will read a planning meeting Monday Evening with no time mentioned.

Although the Rutland County Councillor has put into writing he and others have called in the police. Rutland County Councils official line is nothing has happened. Chief Executive Helen Briggs and Head of Legal Services Geoff Pook then write to the Councillor in the normal bullying fashion to attempt to shut him up.

To be fair to the Rutland Times they do print rubbish from non Conservatives they give egotistic space to our good Town Mayor. One member of the public said who does she think she is "My Town" "My County"

Friday, July 08, 2011

Oakham Mayor, Councillor Joyce Lucas, writing for the Rutland Times, Oakham Town Council

Dear Oakham Town Council

I read the Mayors article in this weeks Rutland Times.

Can you please explain when her husband was officially made Consort?
I suggest we take the chain out of storage and give it a dusting and
present it to him very soon.

Also I would be very interested to know which council has spent so
much time on the Localism bill? she says its a top priority? I have never
discussed this matter at any council meeting, I don't believe I have
missed any meetings.

Can I suggest our Mayor gets a job in PR and Marketing, because she
has given a huge spin on what Oakham Town Council does.

Cllr. Martin Brookes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury Refusing to Publish Candidates Election Statements

Rutland Times and Rutland Mercury are refusing to Publish Candidates Election Statements.

Voters in Rutland don't need to buy the Rutland Times or the Rutland Mercury to find about your election candidates. Both publications will not be publishing candidates statements or any election stories according to Kerry from the Rutland Times.

I like the electors will find this very disappointing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is this the end for the Rutland Times or Rutland Mercury?

Is this the end for the Rutland Times or Rutland Mercury?

Rutland Times                 Rutland & Stamford Mercury        

Hello, I'm the Editor of both the Rutland Times and the Rutland & Stamford Mercury. I'm writing in the hope that you'll take a minute to give me some feedback.

I like to think that the Rutland Times and The Mercury are at the heart of local life in and around Rutland, but it's important to know whether or not local people - like you - feel the same way. Could you please take a moment to complete a short online questionnaire about our Rutland and Stamford newspapers and website?

You can access the survey by CLICKING HERE or visiting:

Whether you're an avid reader of the Rutland Times or the Mercury, or rarely tend to read either newspaper, I'd love to here from you.

Yours faithfully,

Eileen Green
Rutland Times and Rutland & Stamford Mercury

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chief Executive Helen Briggs Orders Rutland County Council Staff to Ignore Times Headlines

Chief Executive Helen Briggs Orders Rutland County Council Staff, Ignore Rutland Times Headlines!

Rutland Councils Chief Executive told member of staff at this weeks staff meeting, ignore the Rutland Times headline?

Why? you just found £1 million in your draw. Surely the staff have a right to be annoyed, angry and questioning, when they read this. after all your about to sack 75 of them.

I am also told Helen Briggs is seen less by staff, she is changed woman. They can remember a much more pleasant Mrs Briggs who would warmly greet staff, but sadly no more.

Mrs Briggs once told the Guardian the "Council is Lean and Mean" what an extraordinary way to describe a public body, but not far from the truth!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Rutland Times, Times House, 43 South Street, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6BG, Photograph, 2011,

Rutland Times, Times House, 43 South Street, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6BG, Photograph, 2011,

Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Rutland Times Photograph of The Week Cllr Joyce Lucas?

Did the Rutland Times not receive any other photographs this week?

I looked in this weeks Rutland Times in disbelief, Photograph of the week By Joyce Lucas.

Poppy Wreaths laying flat wet on steps of memorial covered in snow.

Come on Joyce you bought the same camera as me you can do better! 

And as for the Rutland Times stop giving so much space in your paper to her. I am not the only one moaning about this surely your sales figures show this.

I don't like ex Cllr Jim Harrison but surely he has taken somethng better for next week or any of the many other Rutland Photographers who take very good photographs.

Jim can be contacted through the Melton Times.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blockbuster Oakham - Can't afford a bin?

Rutland County Council threatens enforcement action if Blockbusters don't buy a bin

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good News For Oakham Library Computer Users

Mr Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ
23rd March 2010

Dear Mr Brookes

Thank you for your email of 19th March highlighting your concerns about the provision of internet access at Oakham Library. I do appreciate the frustration experienced by users attempting to use the equipment, however, I am able to give you some good news on this front.

For the past several months, the library computers at Uppingham, Ketton and Ryhall have been upgraded, and I’m pleased to be able to let you know that the computers at Oakham Library will be replaced with new machines from April onwards. We are hoping to be able to make some other changes at the same time which will improve the experience of our users, including installing larger monitors.

Regarding the booking system currently in operation in the library, the one hour plus one hour extension system is in to place to ensure that there is a turnover of people using the facilities, so that anyone wanting to access a PC can do so without waiting too long. This can particularly be a problem at lunch times, when we sometimes have to refuse to extend a session, to enable another person who is waiting to use the equipment. I would be reluctant to change the system at this stage, as I’m hopeful that the new computers will mean that an hour’s computer use is a productive time, not one spent looking at a blank screen. However, I will keep the position under review particularly if we are able to increase the capacity of the IT suite.

I do hope this letter answers your questions, and I hope you will be able to make use of the improved computing facilities at Oakham Library very soon. Please let me know if you have any further queries or comments,

Kind regards,

Robert Clayton
Head of Culture & Leisure
Rutland County Council

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Royce Recreaction Field Oakham. Work nearly complete

Work Started Today on Oakham Bandstand

Oakham Town Council Elections

Residents of Oakham South East Ward have not called for a election.

Oakham Town Council will be able to co-opt individuals to fill the two vacancies in Oakham South East.

There will be a Oakham North East by-election on 20th May 2010.

The Notice of Election is due to be published on 14th April 2010 and nomination packs will be available from that date for return to Rutland County Council by Noon on 22 April 2010.

Any change will be notified

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oakham Bandstand Cutts Close Oakham

Work on a £30,000 restoration project should start today.

The Bandstand in Cutts Close Oakham, is used by bands durring the summer, it is hoped work will be completed in 8 weeks just in time for the first summer concert.

It is a very expensive project funded by Oakham Town Council.

I am pleased, it is not being removed as is the case in so many towns.

It is a wonderful attration, used for residents and visitor to the town.