Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Town Council. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

Inspector Monks Oakham Police Data Protection Breach

Inspector Monks Oakham Police Data Protection Breach
If you complain about drunken Councillors using Rutland County Council Internet to insult people and sexually offensive messages and the police in Oakham this is the result.

The police at Oakham are despicable they have for the last two year support a vile bunch of local so called dignitaries, they can not deny this as the have frog marched me out of events at their request when I have done nothing wrong. Yes the police don't do that anymore, the now suggest I am mad and Inspector Monks invites me to his station to tell me he thinks I am unwell.

Why does he not deal with those people who harass me is it normal to send people unwanted goods and attempt to order grave stones those people are unwell.

Only this week I read a statement given to Standards for England in which she admits people around her call me a Paedophile! A very damaging untrue description.

I asked Inspector Monks not to pass on my personal details to Oakham Medical Practice. By doing so he has breached The Data Protection Act and I look forward to seeing what  The Information Commissioner’s Office do.

I have also raised a complaint with Police complaints. PS Dickinson said he is unhappy I mention his name in a previous blog post relating to the meeting Inspector Monks conducted, he said he was unaware the meeting was going to happen or the subject matter and has himself referred my complaints to Professional Standards. when PS Seargent Dickinson first moved to Oakham he was very supportive and this soon changed, I can only assume  this was changed after he spoke to other Oakham officers. Who allow Ex Councillor Jim Harrison to go around publishing I am a risk to children and drumming up support and he did well as he managed to get Dave Burton of Berridge Taxis to use his spare time to Twitter, he Twittered anyone form MP Alan Duncan down to the owner of Rutland Online. How would he like it if I said he was shagging the boys he take to school in his taxi?

Inspector Monks was very patronising at that meeting. At the meeting Cllr Barrie Roper was mentioned, it appears he has passed on some e-mails to the police, He is also the Chair of Rutland Police Authority. It would not surprise me if he had not been talking to Helen Briggs Chief Executive at RCC she likes to label people mad.

I can assure all who read I am not mad just mad with anger at how these local political people have treated me over the last two years.

I have handed RCC proof their computer system has been used and this is how they fight back!

I hope Inspector Monks will cancel the appointment at the doctors does he not realise how over stretched that surgery is most people have to wait weeks for a basic appointment Inspector Monks calls and they can arrange one in days!

Here is another resident complaining about the service received they don't blog using their name a wise move here in Oakham. especially when you support the POSH!
Me and Oakham Medical Practice
The other day at about 5:30 in the evening i went to the Oakham Medical Practice to ask if it would be possible to see a doctor that evening. The lady behind the counter looked at me as if i was mad and said ” This isn’t a walk in centre”. Well you could have knocked me down with a feather. After some tapping at her computer she said that i could wait and see if the duty doctor would see me. So after waiting for a further forty five minutes i got to see a doctor.
Did she really have to be a little rude to me. it didn’t help me or her.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Oakham Town Council Christmas lights switch on

The Christmas Lights will go up this Sunday throughout Oakham Town Centre.

There will be no official switch on.

Some Cllrs would like to see this become an event but each time it is rejected by the Town Clerk, the logistics would be to complicated.

It is never two complicated for lots of other small towns who use helpers and two way radios to give the illusion of simultaneous switch on.

Maybe next Christmas the clerk could use the nice mobile the council purchased and he could send a sms message to a group of helpers?

Oakham Town Council next full meeting Victoria Hall Oakham

Oakham Town Council next full meeting Victoria Hall Oakham

This is held in the Gold Room.? on Wednesday 1st December 2010  8.00pm a bit later than normal I assume this is so Councillor can go through the farce that is interviewing a few members of the public who want an easy entry into the Council and the lucky person will be co-opted later.

The Council Chamber
Victoria Hall
High Street 

Not much on the agenda.

Once again the Town Council will appoint a new Councillor due to lack of interest from the public.

The will also consider an application by the Cottesmore Hunt to use Cutts Close on Monday 27th December.

They will also consider two planning applications.

APP/2010/1102/APB Mr Adrian Palmer
Erection of new detached garage and conversion of existing garage into a playroom
36 Stamford Road Oakham

APP/2010/1172/DTR Trustees of Victoria Hall 
Publish Post

Installation of notice and events panel to front elevation of building
Victoria Hall 39 High Street

And last will it be third time lucky for the clerk Cllrs will discuss the Third Draft Budget and make any appropriate decisions thereon.

Councillors decided not to increase the council tax burden for next April just before elections in May and a considerably large wage increase and contractors charges are likely to increase so it is making it a difficult task to set the budget for 2011 -2012

Rutland County Council Questions?

I wish to ask the following questions at next full Rutland County Council District Council meeting

It surprises me Rutland County Council needs to appoint 3 officers to monitor my Blog!
In these times of spending cut backs.

Can the Council explain why it feels the need to use use public resourses in this way?

Do Rutland County County seriously find me or my blog a threat?

Please can you confirm the date of the next full meeting at which I can ask my questions.

email from Mr Pook


Hello Mr Brookes.

Theresa Stokes has passed on your information from earlier.

I think you are mixing two different issues.  I have never said that access to your website has been blocked to all Council computers.  In fact there are three desktop PCs which are not blocked (there used to be none blocked).  They have been left to enable three specified officers to gain access to monitor the contents on an occasional basis from the point of view of the Council's own functional interests.  Any access from these PCs would be gained through the controlled IP address for the main building.  No posting would ever be made from these PCs.

This is entirely separate from the Library and wireless connections with which we have been concerned.

Geoff Pook

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stamford Homes 125 new homes Catmose College Oakham Town Council

Oakham Town Council meet tonight to consider a
revised application from Stamford Homes
the original application was to build 117 homes
on the Catmose College site, Stamford Homes
would now like to fit in 125

Oakham Town Council meeting
7.00pm Victoria Hall Oakham

They will also be considering a licence application
from Jinkys

Oakham Town Council Meeting Tonight at 7.00 pm

Oakham Town Council meet tonight at 7.00 pm amongst the agenda items, they will be discussing empty shops in the town and the way forward

The Town Council Offices are located within Victoria Hall, High Street, Oakham

The meeting is open to the public.

Monday, November 15, 2010

After Mr Tyers Disgusting Behaviour at Sunday's Remembrance Service Oakham Letter sent to Oakham Town Council

After Mr Tyers Disgusting Behaviour at Sunday's Remembrance Service Oakham Letter sent to Oakham Town Council.

Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall

Dear Members,

I am writing to ask members if they find threats or threatening behaviour acceptable?

I refer to Mr Tyers husband of Ex Cllr Sue Tyers.

Who threatened to punch my lights out, outside All Saints Church Oakham yesterday. I would like to make it very clear I did not approach Mr Tyers.  Whilst attempting to photograph he approached me in the middle of the road, told me to Fuck Off, I was not wanted around here and repeated his verbal abuse, practically spat the word in my face, as i tried to take back my space he said if I touched him he would put my lights out.

This was far worse than Mr Beech's behaviour at beating of the retreat in 2009.

I also received vile offensive threats from the former Art 4 Rutland committee member Mr Carey, he later resigned
I do not behave like these people.

It is very clear to me the following people are involved and support the actions of the above and the unknown people. who are clearly protected by the local police. RCC provided details to Inspector Monks relating to a person using council computer to send me messages of a homophobic and sexual nature and he has decided to take no action this is unacceptable.

Cllr Alf Dewis
Cllr Joyce Lucas
Cllr Charles Haworth
Cllr Alan Walters (This man is certainly going to find out who the F*ck I am)
Cllr Sharon Spencer
Ex Cllr Kelly
Ex Cllr Beech
Ex Cllr Tyers
Ex Cllr Fillingham
Ex Cllr Harrison
Mr Tyers
Mr Carey
Mr Ricahard White (Town Clerk)

All the current councillors  consider their positions.

Do not tell me like Richard White the people attacking me are no longer councillors. So it is not Oakham Town Council, does he thinks I am stupid people and also me have have ears and eyes and we see who socialises together.

I told some Councillors have admitted to standards they obstructed me as a councillor of course I can not name them because of the law. They decided they could not trust me from day one and obstructed me from day one.

Oakham Mayor Sharon Spencer delayed letting me sign my paper until the last moment. At the request of people like Mr Beech, The Town Clerk told me he visited on the evening of my first meeting and demanded what he was going top do with me.

Locks were added simple correspondence was withheld from me.

What gave these people the right to say  I could not be trusted?

It is clear Mr Tyers was attempting to cause a breach of the peace on Sunday afternoon.

And I am disgusted the police just took his card and allowed him to attend the church service. I am attending the police station later today and I will be asking for this matter to be dealt with, I have already lodge a formal complaint with the police standards regarding the police failing to take action yesterday when I made a complaint. I will also be asking them to look into the matter of the filth and threats sent to me via the postal service.

Finally when these so called dignitaries get together for another dinner whether it be at Richard Adams home, I hope they will talk about Mr Tyers instead of me!


Martin Brookes

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer Oakham Town Council Remembrance Day photographs

Oakham Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer Oakham Town Council Remembrance Day photographs

If Mrs Spencer support the old style Tory Thugs
I will be most disappointed in her.

If it not Mr Harrison and his blog 
its Mr Paul Beech at a previous public event threatening me,
now it the turn of Mr Tyers the husband of 
ex Councillor Sue Tyers. Throwing his weight around and
using foul language on a Sunday, I guess they taught him
to bully in and behave like that in the army.

I truly hope the only fault with our current Mayor is 
'she cant string a sentence together at any event she 
attends' I cant spell so I can understand that and 
don't enjoy public speaking,

But she could most certainly chose better friends.

This year our Mayor has done her best, she is a ordinary mum
and not a snob like some of our previous Mayors
and not a drunk and before anyone attacks me again 
for mentioning that I visited a former RCC Cllr
Friday evening and they told me the former Mayor is always drunk.

So is not about time Mr Tyers you left me alone.
Everybody I meet in her road tells me the same fact.
You would be better getting her help rather putting all
your efforts into attacking me as you can see
it only make matters worse. 

And you can stop your friends sending me filth and placing 
filthy comment here
Old style Tory trash is not welcome here
how does Alan Duncan put up with you
oh I forgot it money! you have to pay to join your grotty club.

And finally you are so lucky I am not a violent person
but don't you dare threaten me again just in case 
I do snap!!!!

Monday, November 08, 2010

Cllr Allan Walters Calls Police Authority Chairman Barrie Roper a Twat!

At the start of tonights council meeting Cllr Walters said he hoped I would not swear at tonight's meeting, like the previous meeting.
I am sorry Swearing at a public meeting is not something I would do.

At the last Oakham Town Council meeting he also made a false statement which he later retracted, in a email.

Cllr Alan Walters first came to my attention when Rutland County Council had a forum on Rutnet.

He contributed with a post titled who the F*ck is Martin Brookes, because I had taken a photograph of his studio. He also said sorry for this.

At tonight's Rutland County Council meeting Cllr Barrie Roper  Spoke and Cllr Alan Walters called him a twat.
is this behaviour one should expect from a Town Councillor.

I don't think so. Not a word I would use to describe Cllr Barrie Roper who also happens to be the Chairman of the police authority.

Now Mr Walters I am wondering how many other activities you have support against me?

Cllr Walters did ask me not to blog this but in light of the increased recent abuse I have been subjected and my statement that if it continued. I would conduct a fight back. I keep my word.

Whilst we are fighting no one questions Cllr Haworth's income, A student has he ever worked?

I agree with one commentator who supports me thanx. why can I not own a camera and be out of work? Why do people in work feel the need to think those who are out of work can not own anything? Next you will be saying I should be not able to own my own home and live in the street.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Oakham Town Council Notice Board

I am getting fed up with the subject of the Town Council notice board appearing in comments all over my blog.

It is clear this person is attempting to discredit me and has an unstable mind reading their other offensive comments.

And quite frankly, I am no longer a Town Councillor and don't care what this demented person and their friends think.

They say I owe the Town! I owe this town nothing, I did the town a big favour getting rid of the trash from Oakham Town Council. This was acknowledged by the two faced gossip mongering Cllr Joyce Lucas who said at the time she was pleased to see Cllr Tyers, Cllr Harrison and Kelly depart. I am guessing their friends like Mr Burton of Berridge Taxis was not, disgusting Twitter Campaign.

For exposing the drunken Cllr who has now resigned I have been bullied for over a year by cowards who have conducted on-line attacks, committed crime through the postal system and inconvenienced many companies who advertise in the Daily Mail.

They used  Cllr Barrie Roper also Chair of the police authority to stop police taking any action  against them.

The Town Clerk with the help of one of the most vile and nasty creepy councillors, Cllrs Alf Dewis set about stopping me carrying out my duties as a Councillor. Standards for England have received an admission this was the case. The decided with other unknown Councillor I could not be trusted. Hence the fitting of extra lock on the previously unlocked doors. This angers me most what gives them the right to obstruct any Councillor in that way they had no right.

Cllr Joyce Lucas informed the press I had filled a notice board with porn this was a big lie, along with the false statement I had smashed the notice board. Leading to the ridiculous comments on this blog.

Cllr Joyce Lucas you can not be on both sides, you behaviour is so strange. If your not discrediting me with your gossip to strangers, Friends and employers in our town you grabbing hold of me and kissing me in the council chamber and then you tell the police it is because they are unkind to me!

Oakham Police did not release details of my caution this was left to Cllr Joyce Lucas and other Cllrs.

I repeat I do not owe the town anything.

Yes after over a year of bullying from Cllrs and their friends, I decided to display two small images sent to me and other material along with typed threats and was arrested for displaying offensive pictures.
The same images Inspector Monks and other Oakham police officers had deemed not offensive previously.

I did not damaged the notice board, if correct tools were used by the hall handy man there would have been no damage.  Restorative justice was mentioned by PC Icke, I offered to buy a new lock £4.99 from Wilko and fit it. I also offered to pay a cash sum.

PC Icke visited Victoria Hall and the manager said she did not want to pursue financial compensation from me.

Some time passed and PC Icke offered me a caution and was very keen for this matter not to go through the courts. I personally did not mind . He also told me he was under immense pressure to charge me and not offer a caution.

He did not tell me who or where this pressure was coming from, but I can only assume this came from local Cllrs. All of whom promptly signed a complaint to Standards for England, without knowing all the facts, but knowing this would  help them with their cause to get rid of the councillor they did not want.

So as you can see I had no control about the outcome don't owe the town money.

If anyone is at fault here it is The Town Clerk Richard White who agreed to pay half of the cost when visited by the hall manager. I suggest you make him pay as no Councillor authorised this payment from the tax payer.

I have been very open and honest about this. I brought up the payment at the council meeting no one else was going to and the Clerk was not keen on me bringing up the subject at the meeting.

Soon we will here the standards verdict of all the many complaints they made against me by Cllrs and Friends as part of thier campaign to get rid off me. I think this is going to cost more than £50. Yes it may be wrong to call Cllr Alf Dewis an Arsehole in a closed meeting if your a Cllr but lets not forget the human element this man pushed and pushed me! and then there is the time he physically pushed me and told the police I walked into his hand.

The principle investigator  is surprised the police took no action against Ex Cllr and Former Mayor  Harrison and his blog. To think this man has the cheek to complain about me. I hope standards will take the content of his blog into consideration before they judge me.

The police are happy to wave harassment orders against me for just mentioning the following names

Cllr Haworth ( Strange charactor a bit like like Gordon Sheasby enjoys a good Sauna, likes to feed people with little bit of info. Slime Ball would describe him, whether its giving me encouragement for photographing the former Mayor's Car Illegally parked or letting me know some Cllrs  are getting on a bit they will soon be dead and I could fill the space if I waited. He also told me Cllr Swiffen was not liked by Ex cllr Councillor Beech because he used to burgle old people and steal from Churches.)

Cllr Lucas

Cllr Dewis
 Ex Cllr Tyers 

Ex Cllr Kelly

Ex Cllr Harrison (Mr Harrsion apologised to me when he provided people with images used to bully me and I withdrew my standards complaint. I should never have done that. I took his word. He is a big bully anyone who reads his blog can see that and then he complains about me)

 Ex Cllr Beech (He wrote paper last week and complained about peoples behaviour at RCC meeting what a joke, Think back Beech! do you think its acceptable to hand out ties at a Town Council meeting of course it is you are an ex Mayor and Cllr who hate crooks like Cllr Swiffen, Clllr Haworth told me) And lets not forget your online behaviour and when I traced you by your server details you tried to get me arrested. All I can say is  I am pleased I don't live up to your standards. Lets not forget your application to obtain money for you fictional boys club from the town council and when they said you could not have any more money from them you complained to standards about there behaviour. £12,000 I believe. A little while later you got a part-time job at Tesco. Tesco you of course now support. I sat and listened to you speaking against Tesco at a council meeting don't deny it.)

It Stinks!!!!!

Although it is perfectly acceptable for them to spend thier lives talking to people about me at dinner parties. so sad really, I was pleased to hear one of the group spoke up for me. The rest of you really do need to get a life.

They should be dealing with the real issues that effect our town.

Cllr Haworth and Dewis are concerned about fly posting just speak to Cllr Peter Jones most of the large posters sited around the town are Live@museum.

Binge drinking, A group of attractive young ladies walking to Clays at  8.15pm last night stopped in a doorway and drank 4 bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka and a litre of Bacardi Breeze. before entering Clays.
They then leave all the bottles on the door step and pavement. These ended up at Tesco Recycling. As for the girls how long will they remain attractive you only have to look at some ex Councillors and few current to see the effect of excessive drinking has on them!

Now keep your stupid comments to this post and stopping spoiling the rest off my Blog!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

RAF Cottesmore wont march in Oakham again

Oakham Town Council has been informed that RAF Cottesmore does not wish to exercise its right to march through oakham next year March 31st 2011. It is planned the Freedom of Entry ceremonies will consist, at this stage, of a Church Service and probably a small reception for dignitaries.

Oakham Loo wins 5 stars rating in annual loo of the year awards.

Oakham Loo wins 5 stars rating in annual loo of the year awards.

Oakham Town Council paid to enter loo of the year the loo was inspected.

I am wondering if anyone will collect the award in December

Attendance at this event is at a cost of £75 per person!

Helen Pender Oakham

 Helen Pender has not blogged for some time:

Interesting content in her new blog post.

'perpetrated by a bunch of bunny boiling Oakham Parish Councillors or their friends, some of whom appear to have mental health issues associated with alcohol consumption and possibly the armed services, and a biscuit taking, pill popping, serially stalking, sociopathic Parish Councillor in Exton.'

Oakham Town Council Banking

Banking arrangement have changed at Oakham Town Council ahead of the laws changing next year.

Currently two councillors are required to sign cheques.

Oakham Town Council has switched accounts and now earn a little more intrest.

The Clerk can now make online payments up to £10,000.

The chairman of the Council said safeguards will be put into place and the clerk would not just hit a button when invoices arrive.

I am not sure what safeguards can be put in place if the log in details were lost a considrable amount of money could be lost.

Oakham Town Council Co-option South East Ward

Oakham Town Council is looking to co-opt a new member after the sudden unexplained resignation of Jan Fillingham.

The Council advertised for 10 electors to call for an election, no one came forward.

But I am sure some lazy person will now come forward to be co-opted.

Not very democratic.

Applicants have till the 24th November to get letters sent to the council.

The Council agreed to co-opt on  the 1st December.

Oakham Town Council
39 High Street
Oakham LE15 6AH
01572 723 627

Tesco Stores Ltd Tree Felling Application Oakham Conservation Area

Tesco Stores Ltd Tree Felling Application Oakham Conservation Area

Oakham Town Council turn down Tesco application to fell a number of trees in a conservation area.

Rather strangely Cllr Dewis and Cllr Spencer who voted to support last weeks Tesco application that included a the creation of a cycle and pedestrian access through these trees voted against the felling?

Hawksmead Ltd Planning Application Oakham Town Council

Hawksmead Ltd Planning Application Oakham Town Council

All Oakham Town Councillors accept Cllr Charles Haworth voted to accept the outlined planning application.
requestion a number of conditions from Rutland County Council and the developer.
Cllr Dewis (not Cllr Jewis a name used by Cllr Tor Clark) spoke about the recent public meeting at Langham and concerns raised there.

He turned to speak to ex Councillor Kelly and when he had finished Mr Kelly understandable wanted to reply. This was refused by the chair Cllr Sharon Spencer. A very unfair move by her and Cllr Dewis should have not addressed  Mr  Kelly. Mr Kelly politely protested and Cllr Spencers response was I no. I know my standing orders.

Cllr Charles Haworth was concerned new development around Oakham would turn Oakham into a doughnut ring and he felt Rutland County Council were dumping on us.

Cllr Dodds said if the new buildings were the same as the new homes in Barelythorpe then the development would look attractive.

Cllr Joyce lucas had concerns it appeared no one has considered the infrastructure needed to support so many new homes and the extra traffic and very soon  level crossing gates will be closed for more of the day than they will be open.

Cllr Matthew Taylor supported Cllr Lucas and added the development was very adhoc.

Cllr Tor Clark has concerns for and against, a 1000 new homes would swamp Oakham and Barleythorpe would be no more and he suggested a new new name for the estate Barleythorpe.

Cllr Walters expressed concerns same as other and added affordable homes should be truly affordable.

Cllr Woodcock was in favour of the plans but he said we need to watch very closely.

Cllr Grey had concerns relating to affordable homes.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Oakham Town Council Meeting Tonight

Oakham Town Council

meeting tonight at 7.00 pm Victoria Hall, Oakham

A few interesting points on tonights agenda.

Grit Bins to decide weather to sell one to Rutland County Council.

Survey of Oakham Traders to assess the effects on businesses of the forthcoming closure of RAF Cottesmore.
I am guessing this has been dreamt up by Cllr Alf Dewis, the sort of pointless exercise a former Rutland County Council employee would conduct.

I suggest in the light of Cllr Woodcocks recent comment. The central ward Cllrs just get of their backsides and go and talk and listen to the traders and don't waste money on surveys. If it helps I am told most residents from Cottesmore drive into Stamford to shop.

Staff Appraisal may be discussed in secret session? I am assuming this is because once again the Town Council don't want the public to know how public funds are spent when it comes to staffing costs. The Assistant Clerk deserves every penny she earns. She covers for the over paid Clerk every time he runs of sick to plant a new hedge in his garden. The council do not pay her at a higher rate when he is off and she does his job. She earns less than £10 an hour for a huge responsible job its a pity unlike the Clerk she did not have friends on the council when her contract was drawn up.

Oakham Town council Draft Budget should be interesting.

Christmas arrangements

Banking arrangements.

A dangerous move I believe and something I hope will be considered in the council risk management.
The council is switching to internet banking and will be setting daily limits for internet payment to be accessed by the Clerk, Previously payments have always complied with financial regulation and two Cllrs have signed cheques. What happens if the clerk goes off sick because when he has read my blog again? is he going to leave the log in details on a post-it?

No surprise no one went out to find ten signatures calling for an election, for the South East Ward, Ten signatures needs to go as soon as the council says it wishes to co-opt applicants come forward and I still believe these people should be put forward to a public vote not co-opted by friends on the council.

Tesco Stores is putting forward a application to destroy more trees!

Hawksmead is submitting further plans.

The public are welcome to attend and can speak at the appointed moment and they should cllrs are now claiming they will listen to you. It is  much easier to speak to Town Councillors use them to speak to Rutland County Council a much more difficult group to talk to at meetings.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chairman of Oakham Town Council Cllr Joyce Lucas Rutland Mercury?

Chairman of Oakham Town Council Cllr Joyce Lucas Rutland Mercury?
No Thanks

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oakham Town Council Say No, Say Yes and at Last NO! To Tesco Application

 Here we go around on the Merry Go Round!

Oakham Town Council

Vote to reject Tesco planning application....

At the meeting Cllr Alf Dewis tried to sway members by discussing 106 payments that may be received from Tesco.

Cllr Dewis explained to members some information he had been given to him relating to 106 payments by the Rutland County Council Planning Officer.

It is my belief this is a serious breach of conduct by Cllr Dewis and Mr Geer the planning officer named. In front of the public and press.

Cllr Alf Dewis likes to name drop often.

And I trust Rutland County Council and the Standards Committee will deal with this.
If it is wrong for Cllr Gale a Rutland County Councillor to refer to the yellow confidential document at a RCC planning meeting then it is most certainly wrong for a Oakham Town Councillor to know the content of the 106 proposed agreement.

Who does Cllr Dewis think he is?
It certainly explains Cllr Dewis change of mind, I suggest it has nothing to do with those who live in his ward but his friends at RCC.


When is the Town Clerk going to stop lying about Cllr George Swiffin he is not ill! we all know he can not afford the taxi to meetings.

He should step down so his seat can be filled by a person who wants to serve this town.

Things have improved at the Council with the new members who I believe really want to serve the people.

People Like Cllr Dewis only serves his own ego and friends at Rutland County Council.

Cllr Joyce Lucas  head of gossip and homophobic hate assisted by Cllr Dewis should both go.
To be a councillor you are required to be selfless neither are.

Cllr Dewis pointed out failings of another Cllr who does not serve the public, who was not present at tonight's meeting. Cllr Charles Haworth made a incorrect proposal relating to the Bandstand. He had asked for minutes of a previous meeting to be corrected and made a mistake with his correction so funny. Of  course the Clerk very correctly point out to Mr Dewis the minutes of the last meeting were accurate and the full council accepted Cllr Haworth's incorrect proposal.  So nothing could be changed.

Cllr Tor Clerk declared an interest and did not attend the meeting.

Cllr Matthew Taylor declared a interest and left the meeting after speaking about his support for the Tesco Application.

Not surprising, nice man but also a former employee of RCC Planning and friend of Cllr Lucas.

Cllr Sharon Spencer and Cllr Alf Dewis both voted for the Tesco application. both appeared to be very unhappy with the result. I guess Mrs Spencer was wondering how she was going to explain the outcome to the former councillor and former anti Tesco, turned supporter. Its amazing how people change minds when they are employed by Tesco. Of course if they gave me a job I probably would not be free to say this.
Of course Tesco don't really have to worry because as the Town Council web site states the final decision is made by RCC. I think this is a negative statement to publish because it highlights the weakness of The Town Council. I long for the day when Oakham Town Council is a Council that has clout and can tell RCC what it wants. There are signs of this coming from new councillors and I hope they keep up the good work. They are members of Oakham Town Council not Rutland County Council Town Council!